Quatrième jour - promenade à Belem. Belem est connu pour être le meilleur quartier pour déguster les fameuses gourmandises Pasteis de Nata. Un quartier plein de monuments : le Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, les jardins de Belem, de la place impériale et d'Alfonso de Albuquerque. Petite pause près de la marina et du jardin de la Tour de Belem, un peu plus loin... De là, une vue extraordinaire d'un pont et d'une statue surplombant une colline, sur l'autre rive. Ensuite nous avons mis le cap sur le Bairro Alto, pour prendre un verre au Pavillon Chinois (Pavilhão Chinês Bar). En attendant son ouverture, petite excursion au Jardin botanique de Lisbonne, lieu magnifique et pour le coup dépaysant. Le bar était tout aussi impressionnant, avec des airs de musée, proposant des cocktails aux noms être plus d'être fumeurs, il y avait deux billards. Rien de plus séduisant. Cinquième jour - excursion dans l'Affama L'Alfama, un vieux quartier en hauteurs, avec des petites rues qui se perdent les unes dans les autres. Coup d'oeil au marché de Santa Clara et au parc du même nom (encore une vue fabuleuse). A côté se dresse le panthéon et sa gigantesque coupole. De retour dans le centre, nous avons acheté des Pãos de Deus et des Bolachas Húngaras avant de traverser la rue Garret, célèbre pour ses magasins, mais bondée. Pas question de s'y éterniser. Sixième & septième jours - au revoir. Malchance : jour de pluie donc on a oublié les palais de Sintra... Nous en avons donc profité pour faire quelques emplettes et préparer nos valises pour le lendemain... Un vendredi soir inoubliable avec Lydia! Bilan assez consistant avec un climat qui me manque déjà! Vivement notre prochaine destination! † To endorse my trip to Lisbon I wanted to write a small report. First day - acclimatization. Luckily a friend lent us an apartment in Monte Abraão the outskirts of Lisbon. So we took some pointers : local signs such as Continente (supermarket), Caixa Geral (bank) Comboio (subway), cigarettes are often sold in machines. Second day - breath in Oriente. Looking for wifi, we went to the mall Vasco de Gama, where I bought a pair of jeans. When we got out we had a view of the Tage river above which a cable is operated (6 euros). The location is peaceful, where couples occupy the benches. There, I saw this huge concrete structure which looks like an arch. Third Day - Discovery of the lower town. Towards the lower town, called Baixa Pombalina. I immediately fell in love with the city, starting with the Dom Pedro IV Square and the Do Comercio one. In this same area, visiting a museum Fashion & Design, MUDE (free entry) but also the Santa Justa elevator, developed by a disciple of Eiffel. In addition, there are many pastries, wine cellars and bars. Then we climbed the hills to get to the St. George's Castle. Fourth day - walk to Belem. Belem is well-known as the best area to enjoy the famous delicacies Pasteis de Nata. An area full of monuments: the Jeronimos Monastery, Belem garden, the imperial garden and the Alfonso de Albuquerque's garden. Short break near the marina and the garden of the Tower of Belem. From there, we had an extraordinary view of the other bank (a statue and a San Francisco's bridge like). Then we headed to Bairro Alto, to have a drink at the Chinese Pavilion (Pavilhão Chinês Bar). Pending its opening brief excursion to the Botanical Garden of Lisbon, beautiful and exotic place. The bar was equally impressive : you can drink cocktails, smoke and play pool. Nothing more attractive. Fifth day - excursion in starved. The Alfama is an old quarter in height, with small streets that are lost in each other. We have seen the market of Santa Clara and the park of the same name (another fabulous view). A side stands the Pantheon and its huge dome. Back in the center, we bought Pao de Deus and bolachas Húngaras before crossing the street Garret, famous for its shops, but crowded. No question of there forever. Sixth & seventh days - goodbye. Bad luck rainy day so we forgotten the palaces of Sintra ... So we have the opportunity to do some shopping and prepare our bags for the day! Balance quite consistent with a climate that I already miss! Next destination?
Quatrième jour - promenade à Belem. Belem est connu pour être le meilleur quartier pour déguster les fameuses gourmandises Pasteis de Nata. Un quartier plein de monuments : le Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, les jardins de Belem, de la place impériale et d'Alfonso de Albuquerque. Petite pause près de la marina et du jardin de la Tour de Belem, un peu plus loin... De là, une vue extraordinaire d'un pont et d'une statue surplombant une colline, sur l'autre rive. Ensuite nous avons mis le cap sur le Bairro Alto, pour prendre un verre au Pavillon Chinois (Pavilhão Chinês Bar). En attendant son ouverture, petite excursion au Jardin botanique de Lisbonne, lieu magnifique et pour le coup dépaysant. Le bar était tout aussi impressionnant, avec des airs de musée, proposant des cocktails aux noms être plus d'être fumeurs, il y avait deux billards. Rien de plus séduisant. Cinquième jour - excursion dans l'Affama L'Alfama, un vieux quartier en hauteurs, avec des petites rues qui se perdent les unes dans les autres. Coup d'oeil au marché de Santa Clara et au parc du même nom (encore une vue fabuleuse). A côté se dresse le panthéon et sa gigantesque coupole. De retour dans le centre, nous avons acheté des Pãos de Deus et des Bolachas Húngaras avant de traverser la rue Garret, célèbre pour ses magasins, mais bondée. Pas question de s'y éterniser. Sixième & septième jours - au revoir. Malchance : jour de pluie donc on a oublié les palais de Sintra... Nous en avons donc profité pour faire quelques emplettes et préparer nos valises pour le lendemain... Un vendredi soir inoubliable avec Lydia! Bilan assez consistant avec un climat qui me manque déjà! Vivement notre prochaine destination! † To endorse my trip to Lisbon I wanted to write a small report. First day - acclimatization. Luckily a friend lent us an apartment in Monte Abraão the outskirts of Lisbon. So we took some pointers : local signs such as Continente (supermarket), Caixa Geral (bank) Comboio (subway), cigarettes are often sold in machines. Second day - breath in Oriente. Looking for wifi, we went to the mall Vasco de Gama, where I bought a pair of jeans. When we got out we had a view of the Tage river above which a cable is operated (6 euros). The location is peaceful, where couples occupy the benches. There, I saw this huge concrete structure which looks like an arch. Third Day - Discovery of the lower town. Towards the lower town, called Baixa Pombalina. I immediately fell in love with the city, starting with the Dom Pedro IV Square and the Do Comercio one. In this same area, visiting a museum Fashion & Design, MUDE (free entry) but also the Santa Justa elevator, developed by a disciple of Eiffel. In addition, there are many pastries, wine cellars and bars. Then we climbed the hills to get to the St. George's Castle. Fourth day - walk to Belem. Belem is well-known as the best area to enjoy the famous delicacies Pasteis de Nata. An area full of monuments: the Jeronimos Monastery, Belem garden, the imperial garden and the Alfonso de Albuquerque's garden. Short break near the marina and the garden of the Tower of Belem. From there, we had an extraordinary view of the other bank (a statue and a San Francisco's bridge like). Then we headed to Bairro Alto, to have a drink at the Chinese Pavilion (Pavilhão Chinês Bar). Pending its opening brief excursion to the Botanical Garden of Lisbon, beautiful and exotic place. The bar was equally impressive : you can drink cocktails, smoke and play pool. Nothing more attractive. Fifth day - excursion in starved. The Alfama is an old quarter in height, with small streets that are lost in each other. We have seen the market of Santa Clara and the park of the same name (another fabulous view). A side stands the Pantheon and its huge dome. Back in the center, we bought Pao de Deus and bolachas Húngaras before crossing the street Garret, famous for its shops, but crowded. No question of there forever. Sixth & seventh days - goodbye. Bad luck rainy day so we forgotten the palaces of Sintra ... So we have the opportunity to do some shopping and prepare our bags for the day! Balance quite consistent with a climate that I already miss! Next destination?