Les Bonnes Pratiques Marketing de la Semaine

Publié le 24 janvier 2013 par Frederic Canevet @conseilsmkg

Voici la sélection des présentations Powerpoint originales et pertinentes de la semaine avec les bonnes pratiques en Marketing, Design, SEO…

Si vous avez des suggestions de PPT à mettre en avant, laissez un commentaire…

Digital Predictions 2013 from Soap Creative

Rechercher des ressources sur Internet from Redaction SKODEN

How to up your digital game? Intercom 2012, Sydney from Jasper Visser

Customer Research & Persona Development from Will Evans

Why Games Will Sit At The Head Of The Media Table from Tadhg Kelly

What are the innovations coming from China compared to the West? from London Business School

Getting Started in Social Media from Kyle Lacy

Using Social Media for Research from IMU (International Medical University)

5 BIG tips to Become a Presentation Jedi – @itseugenec from Eugene Cheng

Facebook Social Spotlight from Nick Westergaard

How Hotels Can Use Social Media to Attract Event Planners from Julius Solaris

The chemistry of story telling from Ali Anani

'Usability of Web Photos' from UXCambridge & FOWD from cxpartners

Designing Big Data Interactions Using the Language of Discovery from Joe Lamantia