GOLDEN GLOBE : Le sacre de Ben Affleck

Par Misteremma @misteremma

Le médias retiendront le sacre de Ben Affleck lors de cette soirée du 13 janvier 2013 à Hollywood face à ses pères comme Steven Spielberg, Quentin Tarantino ou encore Ang Lee.

Mais avec 2 statuettes, il ne fait pas mieux que Django Unchained de Tarantino et moins bien que le film Les Misérables qui en reçoit 3. Le grand perdant est certainement Steven Spielberg qui repart avec une seule statuette pour son acteur Daniel Day-Lewis qui joue le rôle de Lincoln dans son film éponyme.

Au niveau de la télévision, c’est un raz-de-marée pour Game Change (téléfilm) et Homeland (série – Canal + Décalé). A noter, des prix pour des acteurs comme Kevin Costner et Julianne Moore dans des téléfilms que nous verrons peut-être un jour en France.

Tout le palmarès :
Best motion picture – Drama : Argo – Ben Affleck (Warner Bros)
Best Performance by an Actress in a motion picture – Drama : Jessica Chastain – Zera Dark Thirty
Best Performance by an Actor in a motion picture – Drama : Daniel Day-Lewis – Lincoln

Best motion picture – Comedy or Musical : Les Miserables
Best Performance by an Actress in a motion picture – Comedy or Musical : Jennifer Lawrence – Silver Linings Playbook
Best Performance by an Actor in a motion picture - Comedy or Musical : Hugh Jackman – Les Miserables

Best animated feature film : Brave – Walt Disney Pictures / Pixar Animation Studios

Best foreing language film : Amour – Michael Haneke (Austria)

Best performance by an actress in a supporting role in a motion picture : Anne Hathaway – Les Miserables
Best performance by an actor in a supporting role in a motion picture : Leonardo DiCaprio – Django Unchained

Best Director – Motion Picture : Ben Affleck – Argo

Best Screenplay – Motion Picture : Quentin Tarantino – Django Unchained

Best original score – Motion Picture : Mychael Danna – Life of Pi

Best original song – Motion Picture : Skyfall – Adèle

Best television series – Drama : Homeland (Showtime)
Best performance by an actress in a television series – Drama : Claire Danes – Homeland
Best performance by an actor in a television series – Drama : Damian Lewis – Homeland

Best television series – Comedy or Musical : Girls (HBO)
Best performance by an actress in a television series – Comedy or Musical : Lena Dunham – Girls
Best performance by an actor in a television series - Comedy or Musical : Don Chaedle – House of Lies

Best mini-series or motion picture made for television : Game Change (HBO)
Best performance by an actress in a mini-series or motion picture made for television : Julianne More – Game Change
Best performance by an actor in a mini-series or motion picture made for television : Kevin Costner – Hatfields & McCoys

Best performance by an actress in a supporting roles in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television : Maggie Smith – Downton Abbey: Season 2
Best performance by an actress in a supporting roles in a series, mini-series or motion picture made for television : Ed Harris – Game Change