Il y a tellement de choses pour lesquelles je suis reconnaissante cette année. Nos familles, nos amis qui nous entourent avec amour. Mon mari qui est la, a mes cotes, me soutiens contre vent et marées. Un toit solide au dessus de nos tête, un travail ou je me fais plaisir entourée de super collègues. Avoir couru un marathon. Et puis surtout être enceinte avec une grossesse qui se passe très bien. Je ne peux pas demander beaucoup plus a la vie.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated our surrounded by family, locally. His sister and husband came from Florida, my Godfather and his wife from Georgia, their daughter from Ohio. A happy crowd gathered around the table.
There is so much I am thankful for this year. Our families and friends surrounding us with love. My husband who is here, by my side, against any storm we face. A solid roof over our head, a job that I enjoy with wonderful co-workers. Running a marathon. And mostly being pregant with a healthy pregnancy that has been going so well. I couldn't ask much more from life.

Not to worry we didn't starve. Well we almost did mind you as we were supposed to eat at 2 pm (and therefore had the lightest of breakfasts) yet only ate at 5:30pm. The grandpa got too tired and had to be driven back to the nursing home which delayed everything. I was famished. Thankfully we were able to eat the feathers of the veggie turkey (pictured above) while drooling over the (real) smoking turkey.
We got seated at last and hands flew to the dishes.
Three tables were needed, the hands were held, the benedicity given by Hubby's cousin, hostess, the Lil'One mentioned. Then we dig in the dishes: turkey and sauce, ham, green beans, corn pudding, cranberry sauce, mashes potatoes, stuffing and Brussels sprouts.
Here is what it looked like in my plate:
Then we gathered around the fire, others in front of the TV, to enjoy some family time, but also to digest before dessert: apple pies, chocolate-caramel cake and poppy seed cake with its cream. Between the Lil'One and the wonderful meal my skin was stretched out, yet I managed to be full and not stuffed.
Next year there will be another mouth to feed... I'm not worried we had plenty of leftovers.