-100g de thon
-150g de fromage frais
-1 cuillère à soupe de jus de citron
-1 cuillère à café de moutarde forte
-1 gros oignon nouveau ou 1 grosse échalote selon la saison
-1 cuillère à soupe de persil et de ciboulette émincés
-sel, poivre
Écrasez le thon et le mélangez le avec le fromage frais jusqu'à l'obtention d'un mélange crémeux. Ajoutez le jus de citron et la moutarde et mélangez bien. Émincez l'oignon nouveau ou l'échalote, ajoutez au mélange au thon ainsi que le persil et la ciboulette. Salez et poivrez. Mettez au frais pour 1 heure.

I love tuna but I always thought it was a little dry... It's for this reason that I love tuna rillettes because not only do they emphasize the taste of tuna but they are also really convivial for the appetizer! Loving fish rillettes and especially tuna rillettes, I tried a lot of these but I must say this recipe is the only one I like! These rillettes are really creamy, fresh and especially well seasoned and ideal for the appetizer...
-3,5oz of tuna
-5oz of cream cheese
-1 tablespoon of lemon juice
-1 teaspoon of mustard
-1 big spring onion or shallot
-1 tablespoon of minced parsley and chives
-salt, pepper
Crush the tuna and mix it with the cream cheese until you obtain a creamy batter. Add the lemon juice and mustard and mix well. Mince the spring onion or shallot, add the chives and parsley to the tuna. Add salt and pepper. Put it in the fridge for 1 hour.