Un test se lit a partir de 2minutes environ. Je n'ai pas eu a attendre autant. En 30 secondes le résultat était très visiblement positif. J’étais a la fois super heureuse et paniquée. Depuis quelques jours je ressentais les tiraillements habituels de mon "mauvais cote". Et si c’était dans les trompes une fois de plus?
Qu'importe, il me fallait tout de même mettre Hubby au courant. C’était la veille de la fête des pères et jour de marché. Je suis donc allée acheter des croissants, enfin plutôt une chocolatine et une pâtisserie a la framboise car il ne restait plus de croissants nature. Sur le chemin du retour je me suis arrêtée pour acheter une carte de fête des pères. Arrivée a la maison j'ai cueilli quelques fleurs dans le jardin et j'ai fait un plateau de petit-déjeuner, avec la carte que je lui ai amené au lit. Il était a moitie réveillé et je me suis glissée contre lui. Il a regarde le plateau:
-"C'est pour quoi?"
-"Oh juste comme ca."
Au bout de quelques minutes il a enfin vu l'enveloppe.
-"C'est quoi?"
-"Juste une carte." (J'aide beaucoup hein!)
Enfin il l'a ouverte et lue. Il c'est tourné vers moi et m'a serrée contre lui en silence, absorbant la nouvelle.
I've been tracking my cycle ever since we decided to start a family. I knew my cycle was due to start that Saturday at the latest. A few days prior I had a few signs that made me think my period was about to start. That Wednesday, thinking I wasn't pregnant once again, I took my frustration into a 7,3 miles run. Yet the next day, nothing... well not quite, I was suddenly very thirsty all the time, which meant numerous trip to the bathroom. But then again it was summer so not too unusual, right? Well ok, my boobs had also been very sensitive for a week, but that could be a normal PMS sign, although rare for me. However the increase in size was not... At last Saturday came and I couldn't wait another day. My temperature was still high when it should have started dropped if my period was coming. I had purchased several cheap $1 pregnancy test earlier that year. Of course it meant I had to pee in a cup first then use the dropper to place the sample on the test. Very glamorous in the morning! The test could be read after two minutes. It didn't take me that long. In 30 seconds the result was blatantly positive. I was both thrilled and scared. For the last few days I had felt the usual pulling on my "bad side". What if it was in the tubes again?
In any case, I had to tell Hubby. It was Father's Day eve, and market day. So I went to the market and got croissants, well actually a chocolate and a raspberry one since they were out of the plain kind. On the way back I stopped to get a father's day card. Once at home I picked a few flowers in the garden and put together a breakfast tray, with the card, that I brought him in bed. He was half asleep and I slid back in bed, against him. He looked at the tray: -"What's this for?" -"Oh, just because". After a few minutes at last he saw the envelop. -"What's this?" -"A card." (I'm so heplful). At last he opened it. Then he turned to me and hugged me tight, soaking in the news.