Un voyage pas si court si je prends en compte les 4 heures de train effectués hier pour rejoindre Genève, où j'ai été généreusement hébergé chez mon ami Bertrand, qui s'en allait après jouer les bénévoles du côté de Champex (enfin quoique là les coureurs n'y passeront pas...). Le temps d'un coup d'aile et me voilà à Munich où Steffy, de chez Gore, m'attend ainsi que mes deux collègues Marco, mon coéquipier, et François Xavier.
Nous nous rendons ensuite dans un petit village au pied des ALpes bavaroises d'où nous nous élancerons demain pour une première étape de tout de même 49 kms... Je suis un peu fatigué par cette semaine passée à marcher à une moyenne de 3 mètre heure dans Chamonix et un peu inquiet pour mon tendon, mais bon je pense que ces 320 kilmètres dans les montagnes germaniques me feront du bien. Voici le programme, je n'ai plus le temps de traduire et vous le livre en anglais...
It's less than 24 hours to go until the start of the 8th GORE-TEX® TRANSALPINE-RUN and the Eissportshalle in Ruhpolding, Germany is buzzing with competitors making their way to the registration tables to check-in and collect their race information. 300 teams from 32 countries around the world, including Malaysia, Japan and Lithuania, are preparing themselves for the incredible journey that lies ahead. Eight stages, three countries, 320km and an altitude difference of more than 15000m, it's no wonder that the GORE-TEX® TRANSALPINE-RUN is one of the toughest yet exciting foot races on the planet.
A snapshot of Stage 1: Ruhpolding/GER – St. Johann in Tirol/AUT At 49.6km, stage 1 is the longest stage of this year’s Gore-Tex® Transalpine-Run. All the competitors will find themselves running through the heart of the Chiemgauer Alps and across the famous Winklmoosalm. Stage 1 presents the first of the major but runnable climbs of the event with an ascent of almost 1000m to the Straubinger Hütte at 1558 m. Runners will then enjoy an easy descent back down to Unterfürung over the next 5km before making the last ascent over Angerlalm towards the finish in St. Johann, Austria. During this stage there are no alpine parts but the stunning and diversified landscape makes up for that and leads the runners into Tirol submontane of the Wilder Kaiser. Running gets underway at 9:00am on the morning of September 1st in the centre of the small Bavarian village, famous for producing some of Germany's finest cross country skiers. Not even the cold and rainy weather will be enough to deter the many supporters who will no doubt be out lining the main road offering their support to the runners as the gun goes.
DID YOU KNOW: A team of over 100 people work at the GORE-TEX Trans Alpine Run before and during the event.
If You need any additional information about the event, please let me know.
Kind regards, Katharina Münch

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