Magazine Conso

Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz

Par Vincent Espritdesign @espritdesign

Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz

Oscar Diaz, jeune designer basé du côté de Londres nous présente Aro un tabouret réalisé dans le cadre de l’exposition Edition of 9 de Milan de ce début d’année.

Légé, épuré, chaque tabouret est fait main par des artisans de Vicenza, Italie, intégrant un double anneaux servant d’assise et de poignet.

Ses mots sur le projet :

« The rounded contours of Aro, invite to sit and look visually soft. It was also important that while having its own character, the stool would have the ability to blend well in a variety of environments.The level of craftsmanship is demonstrated on the joints that link the top parts and the legs at different angles« 

Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz
Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz

Tabouret Aro par Oscar Diaz

Pièce réalisée en frêne naturel et teinté.

Sa bio :

« Oscar Diaz is a product designer based in London where he works on self-initiated and commissioned projects for both cultural and commercial contexts. He has studied Fine Art in Spain, Industrial Design at l’École des Beaux-Arts de Bordeaux, and at the Royal College of Art in London under Ron Arad.

After graduation in 2006 he worked briefly in Japan at the Oribe Design Center, and returned to London in 2007 to found his own practice. His work covers a wide spectrum of contexts from installations and limited edition pieces for galleries to mass-produced items. His main influences come from science and technology, and his approach is often multifaceted, investigative and playful, transforming the ordinary by challenging conventions.

Besides client commissions and self-initiated projects he occasionally does lectures and runs workshops at design and art schools. »

Point bonus pour la mise en scène et photo des artisants.

Plus d’informations sur le designer : Oscar Diaz


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