Il y a un mois de ça, nous nous sommes rendu a Montreat. La ville de Montreat avait été fondée a l'origine comme un lieu de retraite spirituelle. C'est aujourd'hui un campus universitaire et une centre de conférence. Or il se trouve que le centre de conférence gère un chouette réseau de sentiers.
One of the reasons why I love the region where we live is the amount of trails within less than an hour from Asheville. There is Pisgah forest in the South and the North, trails along the Blue Ridge Parkway including the Mountain to Sea Trail, the trail system around Little Pisgah and Gerton, etc. After over 5 years here and who knows how long for Hubby, we still find trails we've never been on. A month ago we went to Montreat. The small city of Montreat was originally founded as a spiritual retreat. Today it's a college campus with a conference center. It so happens that the conference center manages a great trail system.

That day we decided to start by the Appalachian Way trail. A good uphill on a dirt road at first, but it quickly lead us to the East Ridge Trail, among short trees and bushes showing good signs of spring.
Iris Sauvage
Wild Iris

Depuis la crête nous avions une magnifique vue sur les Black Mountains. Le sommet de Mt Michell restait par contre caché.
From the ridge we had a wonderful view over the Black Mountains. The summit of Mt Mitchell however stayed hidden.

Right before we reached Boggs Bunion, we had the surprise to come across some pretty orange spots on the side of the trail.

Ma favorite spring flower: the Flama Azalea, a native azalea whose colors go from yellow to red.

How to resist to such a display of colors from Nature? If my memory is correct, the area of Montreat is full of Flame Azalea in the Spring. I remember walking on the other side of hte mountain when I came here for an internship and enjoying the blooms.

The trial then continued towards Lookout Mountain. On our way I came across a tree that screamed to be climgs and couldn't resist to get up there to enjoy the view.

Nous avons enfin rejoint Lookout Mountain. C'est le point de la randonnée le plus spectaculaire en terme de vue. Un promontoire rocheux qui permet d'admirer la Vallée de Montreat. Je pense que les étudiants du campus s'y rendent souvent, malgré la montée plutôt raide.
We reached Lookout Mountain at last. It's the most spectacular view spot of the hike. A rock face opening up to admire the cove of Montreat. I bet the college student come up here often even with the steep hike.

From the trail below, it's easy to see where Lookout Mountain is when turning around.

The quickest way to Lookout Mountain is from Lookout Mountain Branch, but we chose to do a longer hike. So we had to follow Old Trestle Rd back to the car. The trail follows the former logging railroad track that went from Black Mountain to Mt Mitchell in the early 1900's. It's a farily flat section that made me want to run.

Sweet White Trillium
Au final, une tres chouette ballade avec quelques section biens pentues et de tres beau points de vue.
In the end it was a really neat hike a few steep spots and beautiful views.