Skyrim : Un patch chevaleresque

Publié le 25 mai 2012 par Meidievil @gamerslive

Et non, je n’ai pas trouvé meilleur titre pour introduire la prochaine mise à jour du soft million-seller de Bethesda Softworks, le patch 1.6.

Ce dernier, en plus de corriger une flopée de bugs comme à l’accoutumée, intégrera désormais le combat à cheval à l’arc, au corps à corps ou à l’arme de jet, mais rien, a priori, pour nos amis les lanceurs de sorts.

Aucune date n’est encore connue à ce jour pour les consoles HD, bien que la bêta soit accessible aux joueurs PC sur Steam, pour peu que vous trouviez Skyrim Beta dans le menu qui va bien.

Bethesda décline évidemment toute responsabilité si un composant de votre tour venait à griller.

Patch Notes

Update 1.6 Notes (all platforms unless specified)


  • Mounted Combat – Skyrim now allows you to do melee and ranged combat while riding a horse


  • General stability and memory optimizations
  • General AI pathfinding optimizations and bug fixes
  • Optimizations and crash fixes for data leaks
  • Fixed rare crash with lighting
  • Fixed crashes related to loading and saving games
  • Fixed crash with summoned creatures/NPCs
  • Fixed rare issue where saves would be corrupted
  • Improved logic for when ranged kill cams are played
  • Fixed issue with ranged kill cams while killing a dragon
  • Fixed rare issue with certain ranged kill cams not playing properly
  • Fixed issue with nirnroot lighting not properly cleaning up
  • Fixed issue where bow damage was being calculated incorrectly
  • Fixed rare problem with werewolf kill moves would not finish animating properly
  • In “The Break of Dawn” fixed rare issue where Meridia’s Beacon would disappear from player’s inventory
  • Fixed occasional issue where followers would disappear after player pays off a bounty after committing a crime
  • Fixed issue where certain creatures and NPCs would fail to respawn properly
  • Fixed rare issue with dialogue subtitles not displaying properly
  • Fixed issue with water appearing blurry when loading a saved game after creating a save underwater
  • Fixed issue where map cursor would occasionally disappear after closing a message box with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
  • Fixed rare issue with shouts only performing the first level and not other unlocked levels with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)
  • Fixed issue where the shout buttons would stop working properly if users mashed LB and RB during cooldown with Kinect enabled (Xbox 360)