A lire sur ParisLikeMon Associé Fidel CastroLes aventures extraordinaires d'un corsairebreton des Caraïbes

Le 17 avril 1961, par une nuit de lune noire, aux douzecoups de minuit, la CIA lance une opération militaire secrète : le débarquementde la baie des Cochons. L'invasion en vue de renverser le gouvernement cubainde Fidel Castro est un échec retentissant.
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Fidel Castro, my AssociateThe extraordinary adventures of a Breton privateerin the Caribbean

On April 17th, 1961, on the stroke of midnight on a blackmoon night, the CIA launched a secret military operation: the Bay of Pigslanding. The invasion aimed at overthrowing the Cuban government of FidelCastro was a resounding failure.
On October 28, 1492, at the opposite point from the Bay ofPigs, another landing took place in the Bay of Bariay. Christopher Columbuslanded in Cuba… thinking he had reached Japan. Thus, at dawn, he naturally senttwo conquistadors to explore the island of the rising sun and of the sugarcanes in search of the Great Khan, or more precisely of the Muromachi Shogunswho ruled the island from Kyoto to Guantanamo.
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