Heureusement cette semaine, j'ai quelques jours de repos en commun avec lui et nous en avons profiter pour aller marcher dans le secteur de Little Pisgah et de la Ligne de Partage des Eaux de la cote Est.
I'm right in the middle of my first marathon training. Well, no, more like in the end, I've already done my first 20 mile training run, one more next week and then I start the three weeks of taper before the marathon. All that to say that I've had little time to do anything else between work and running. I more often run the trails than hike them and my last hike with Hubby goes way back. Thankfully this week we had a few days off together and took the opportunity to go hike around Little Pisgah and the Eastern Continental Divide.

We were going to do our usual hike in the area but were surprised to find a new trail that took us to Tater Knob. It only took 10mns to get to the view point. It gave us the opportunity to do what we had talked about on previous hikes: follow the trail that goes down towards Hickory Nut Gap Farm. To go down it did. And with the rain we almost slipped a few times. There was even a section that looked more like climbing down than hiking...

But it was worth it since we came upon the trail system right behind Hickory Nut Gap Farm. We've had the opportunity to hike around the area last year. The forest is full of trails asking only to be explored. They get some good horse traffic too, a good sign since it was the case of the trail close to the car. We think they may be used during the summer by Hickory Nut Camp, maybe even maintained by them? Unless it's the work of the Carolina Mountain Club?

Before heading back up to the bottom of Little Pisgah, the trail goes by a creek. Framed by rhododendrons and with moss covered rocks like the typical area creeks. The fresh water was inviting. I think we'll be back this summer/

Of course Hubby couldn't help himself from going across the creek just to have the excuse to cross it back over a moss covered tree a few feet later.

Higher up we came across a small waterwall, or should I say a potential summer shower?

I should say that the weather is unseasonably warm. We haven't had much of a winter. Spring came very early. While we did see the spring weather patterns, we've mainly had high temperatures which meant we barely had to use the heater and got to get our summer clothes out. Blooms are very early. We just hope there won't be a late frost which would be terrible for farmers. It was over 68F during our hike and we actually welcomed the rain.

Yellow violet

Jack in the Pulpit

Pour vous y rendre: Depuis Asheville, suivre la Hwy 74 en direction de Chimney Rock. Vous aller traverser Fairview, puis passer par un zone agricole avec des panneaux pour Hickory Nut Gap Farm. Continuez, la route monte en lacets jusqu’à la limite de partage des eaux (Continental Divide). Prenez la première route de terre a gauche Little Pisgah Rd et la suivre environ 0,5 miles. Mieux vaux ne pas avoir de voiture trop basse. Garez vous entre les barrières. Le départ de sentier est discret. C'est sur la gauche (vers l'Ouest) juste avant d'arriver a la première barrière (violette) quand vous arrivez en voiture. A ne pas confondre avec le sentier qui se trouve derrière la ou on peut garer la voiture et qui vous amènerez vers Little Pisgah.Après quelques minutes, le sentier se divise, prenez celui de gauche et suivez le, le long de la crête. Vous allez arriver sur un éperon rocheux avec une jolie vue durant l'hiver. N’oubliez pas a aller de l'autre cote ou il y a un superbe point de vue vers le Nord ainsi que le carnet des randonneurs dans une boite en plastique. Depuis l’éperon rocheux, le sentier continue le long de la crête et descend vite. Une fois en bas de la vallée (vous êtes juste au dessus de la ferme d'Hickory Nut Gap), vous arrivez a un T. Suiviez le sentier plus large vers la droite. Ne traversez pas la rivière et remontez la rive gauche pour revenir au parking. Cette section du sentier est bien marquée et vous devriez trouver des traces du passages des chevaux.
Il y a d'autres façon d'emprunter ses sentiers: a partir de la ferme, ou depuis la Continental Divide, enfin a condition de vouloir explorer un peu.
Pour une version courte vous pouvez aussi prendre a droite a la première bifurcation, puis suivre le sentier de gauche quand vous arrivez a l'arbre marque de nombreux rubans jaunes, et prenez a gauche. La montee plus difficile avec cordes et rochers mais aussi fort amusante, revenir ensuite le long de la crête.
To get there: from Asheville, follow Hwy74 towards Chimney Rock. Pass Fairview and the fiels with signs for Hickory Nut Gap Farm. Continue up the road, following the switchback to the Eastern Continental Divide. Take the next road on the left, Little Pisgah Rd and follow it for about 0.5 miles. It's best to have a car with good ground clearance. Park between the gates. The trailhead is discreet.It's on the left )(going West) right before you get to the (purple) gate with the car. Don't confuse it with the other trailhead right behind where you can park the car, it would take you to Little Pisgah. After a few minutes, the trail splits in two. Take the one to the right, following the ridge. It will take you to a rock formation with a nice view during the winter months. Don't forget to get to the other side where there is a beautiful view to the North as well as the log book in the plastic box. From the rock formation, keep on going west and follow the ridge, it will quickly start going downhill. Once at the bottom of the valley (you're right above Hickory Nut Gap Farm), you'll get to a T. Follow the wider trail to the right. Don't cross the creek and walk up on the left bank to get back to your car. This trail section is well used and you will see horse tracks. There are other ways to get to the trail system: from the Farm or from the Continental Divide, well as long as you are willing to explore things a bit. For a shorter option: take a right at the first split, follow the trail down until you see a tree with yellow ribbons on it and take a left. The way up is harder but also more fun with ropes and rocks, come back via the ridge trail.