ouvert du mardi au samedi / open from Tuesday until Saturdaymenu 55/75 € __________________________________The other night, I had a great evening at Sola (which I discovered here), in a small hidden street of the Notre-Dame animated area. The chef Hiroki Yoshitake, from Kyushu in Japan, started at the French restaurant La Rochelle, and also worked with Alberto Herráiz at the Fogón, William Ledeuil at Ze Kitchen Gallery, or Pascal Barbot at l'Astrance. At only 30 years old, Hiroki opened his restaurant Sola in the heart if Paris, with his associate Ly Youlin, and the pastry chef Hironobu Fukano. In the basement, like in a rock cave, you can eat on the floor in the Japanese room, no shoes allowed. On the ground floor, intimate tables take place under wooden beams in a warm and hushed atmosphere.
I discovered delicate, fresh and minimalist flavours. I though that the menu would be a little more Japanese inspired - maybe like this one - but it very French with a small Asian touch (miso, yuzu,...). I was indeed pleasantly surprised by this overall menu which I really found delicious (ok, I might not be a fan of the calf's sweetbread...) - I am often disappointed by at least one or two meals in those types of long dinners. If I had to do a little comment and quibble, I'd say the meals were not hot enough...
Oriboshi, la serviette qui se déplie au contact de l'eau
Oriboshi, the napkin unfolds when water is poured on it

La tasse en biscuit de porcelaine que j'ai eu envie de voler
The porcelain mug I envied

Velouté de panais et crustacés
Parsnip velouté and shellfish

Oh mon dieu - le foie gras caramélisé au miso et sa brioche
Oh my God - the caramelized foie gras and brioche

St-jacques, salsifis, navets
Scallops, salsifis, turnips

Tartare de st-jacques et mousse - comme une chantilly - de navet
Scallop tartare and turnip mousse

Poisson cru, oeuf poché, gingembre, avocat, poudre miso
Raw fish, poched egg, ginger, avocado, miso powder

Choux de bruxelles, pommes, maigre
Brussel sprouts, apples, fish

Veau et ris de veau, chips de potimarron, patate douce
Veal, calf's sweetbread, butternut squash, sweet potato

Glace au fromage blanc, fraises, chips de fraises et yuzu
Yoghurt ice-cream, strawberries, strawberry chips and yuzu

Meringue en bâton comme une craie, orange confite, glace Earl Grey et vanille, biscuit crêpe dentelle, menthe et chocolat
Meringue shaped like chalks, crystallized oranges, Earl Grey and vanilla ice-creams, crêpe biscuit, mint and chocolate

Guimauve fondante au soja, comme un nuage
Melting soft soja marshmallow like a cloud