Muller Van Severen Design in Belgium

Par Vincent Espritdesign @espritdesign

En provenance directe de Belgique le photographe Fien Muller et l’artiste Hannes Van Severen forment un studio de création né de la contraction de leurs deux noms : Muller Van Severen.

Modules de stockage, étagères, tables, lampes… tout y passe, mais la création utilisant tube, cuir, et luminaire afin de créer un ensemble fauteuil et chaise longue est réellement la pièce maitresse de la collection.

La fonction et la nécessité sont à la source de la création, puis la matière et les formes pures utilisant des matériaux nobles viennent s’imbriquer.

Et leur portfolio :

Leurs mots :

Whereas design mostly finds its origin in plasticity and form, we consider material to be the source from which a piece of furniture grows. We have made a selection of different coloured marble stones that we will combine with brass and coloured polyethylene cutting boards. The colours – but also the patterns in the marble stone – give the furniture movement, some kind of gracefulness. This makes every piece of furniture unique.”

The combination of the materials, and a minimal line game in the collection refers to the splendour of art deco and the directness of modernism. This contradiction proves to be harmonious.

“As to form or proportion we do not add anything; the rich marble or the vibrant colours of the synthetic material create a contrast with the tight form. The image of minimalism is worn out. This furniture battles with minimalism and uses it at the same time. Details have been left out, everything has been reduced to the most simple technological solution and still the result is very rich in ornamentation.

Plus d’informations sur le studio : Muller Van Severen


By Blog Esprit Design