Holy chandelier XXl par Anki Gneib

Par Vincent Espritdesign @espritdesign

Anki Gneib, jeune femme designer suédoise nous propose sa collection d’imposants chandelier nommés Holy, un hommage aux longues nuits d’hiver mettant en scène la douce et chaleureuse lumière des bougies.

Réalisé et tourné à partir d’une seule pièce de bois, culminant à plus d’1m50, chaque chandelier puise sa force à côté d’un autre, une mise en scène de 5 ou 10 pièces semble nous raconter une histoire.

Il m’en faut peut-être peu, mais la mise en scène en extérieur, comme un retour de la matière à sa source m’inspire..

Les mots de la créatrice :

Anki Gneib is born in London and educated in the Department of Interior Architecture and Furniture Design at the University College of Art, Crafts and Design in Stockholm. Today Anki works as an independent architect and designer and runs her own studio in Stockholm. The studio works on a wide range of projects, such as total interior design solutions for residential homes and public spaces as well as furniture, lighting and product design. She typically runs projects from an early stage to the final result with a big amount of creative thinking and focus on facility branding

In her design language Anki Gneib is perhaps the most international of Swedish designers. She moves freely between the traditional Scandinavian style and Farsi characters, between materials like wood, Plexiglas, metal and Corian, between inspiration from Afro hairstyles and computer games figures to Nordic folklore.

Plus d’informations sur le designer : Anki Gneib


By Blog Esprit Design