Nous avions prévu une ballade tranquille avec une belle vue. En commencent au départ le plus a l'Ouest nous avons rapidement rejoint Pilot Cove Loop et avons été récompensés par un chipmunk.
In September I discover a section of the Pisgah National Forest I was unfamiliar with. A network of trails located between North Mills River and the Pink Beds. It seems to me that our hike was far shorter than the road it took to get there. I think the easiest way is to follow road 276 between Pisgah Forest (the town) and the Blue Ridge Parkway, then hop onto Forest Road 1206 right after the Pink Beds. We had planned for a chill hike with a pretty view. We started from the western trail head and quickly encountered Pilot Cove Loop where we were rewarded by a chipmunk.

The Fall colors were just starting. The trail was easy, no big elevation. And that was just fine with me since it was the eve of my first half-marathon. Some like to do nothing prior to a race, as for me I decided hiking was a good idea.

About half way through our hike we arrived onto Slate Rock, the guides didn't lie, the view was awesome. Sure it's not the Pyrenees, but for a region covered with forests, it's always such a treat to get to a bare section and be able to enjoy the view.

And it's always a good excuse to take portraits.

Mind you I could also see it as a spot to meditated, or read a book with binoculars handy.

Total: Peut être 3 miles/5km
We then continued on the ridge and went back to the car by getting back on Pilot Cove-Slate Rock trail. Total: maybe 3 miles/5km