Magazine High tech

Strategic Command World War I 1.04, Command Ops Battles from the Bulge 4.3.249, Sword of the Stars II 24/01 & 21/01, Stronghold 3 1.8.28566

Publié le 31 janvier 2012 par Cyberstratege

Strategic Command World War I: The Great War 1914-1918 1.04

The improvements include:

Reworking of the Zimmerman Telegram so that the timing of the decision to send it is dependent on the US mobilization level, thus making sending it far more useful for Germany.
Increasing the functionality of the swap move to enable more flexibility when moving units around a crowded battlefield.
Fixing various bugs, including one that slowed map scrolling.
Amending the way in which minor countries like Belgium and Serbia may continue in the war after their last capital has been captured.
- Increasing the impact of unrestricted naval warfare against the UK; the potential of the Arab Revolt, and the opportunities for operations in the Caucasus.
Germany will now have to keep some units in the east after Russia has pulled out of the war if it is to continue to receive grain supplies from the Ukraine.
- Significant work has been done to improve the balance on the Western Front in the 1917 Fate of Nations campaign.
Plus much more to make this game even more enjoyable.

En téléchargement chez Battlefront.

Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge 4.3.249

Bug Fixes
· Ensure IsFeasible() test handles cases where the missionTask forceGroup end up
unpopulated. This addresses the FPAssert at FPPLanningParams line 719.
· Ensure exiting and destroyed units clear their unitAhead field and relink any unit that had
them as their unitAhead. This fixes a formation lockup.
· Ensure all vehicle types are factored in when determining resupply transport capacity.
Previously was only using the transport capacity of first vehicle type. This improved
delivery rates of supplies.
· Ensure the rationing code uses the drawing bases’ current supply level and not the
supplying base’s supply level. This fixes the problem of too much supplies being sent to
the Bde bases leaving very little for Div assets like artillery.
· Fixes Hofen reinforcements and other scenarios that had minor historical experience

En téléchargement chez Matrix.

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 24/01/2012

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed AI from taking control of players in slots other than slot 1
+ Fixed upgrade missions from using the wrong system to populate upgrade options
+ Fixed issues with upgrade missions.

Other Fixes:
+ Fixed missing start node lines for Humans
+ Fixed an incorrect calculation for ship construction that caused the player to have less production then they were supposed

to have.
+ Fix missing Battle Cruiser and Battle Ship Categories
+ Fixed module weapons
+ Fixed spectres not being attacked by planetary beams when merged with planets
+ Fixed some animations for Liir battleriders
+ Fixed minor projector bugs
+ Fixed the order of fleets in all mission screens

Other Changes and Additions:
+ Minor tech tree and ship tuning changes

Known issues
+ Launcher not properly reflecting game version number

Sword of the Stars II: Lords of Winter 21/01/2012

Critical Fixes:
+ Fixed a ship module sound issue that could potentially cause leaks.
+ Optimized code that was contributing to longer turn times and slower combat.
+ Fixed a bug that was causing combat to be initiated when no ships
were present.
+ Fixed the issue where invisible enemy fleets could still be selected
on the star map.
+ Fixed the bug where additional armor layers were not being carried
over into combat.
+ Fixed the issue where the strategic AI was not researching outside
of initial core technologies.

Other Fixes:
+ Addressed known bad turret arcs on numerous ship sections.
+ Fixed known issues with combat AI assigning objectives to ships.
+ Fixed issues with the design screen weapon panel not closing.
+ Fixed the intermittent bug that would cause icons not to be laid out
correctly when switching ships in the design screen.
+ Added missing combat sensor icons.
+ Fixed the bug where simulated and full combat start positions would differ.
+ Numerous fixes to known issues with Psionics effects in combat.
+ Fixed Neutron Round and Accelerated Amplification effects.
+ Fixed some issues where star system ownership visuals could get out
of sync in the star map.
+ Addressed known issues with disruptors and deflectors.
+ Addressed known issues with minelayers.
+ Rapidly clicking buttons will no longer bypass feasibility studies.
+ Slave discs now attach to ships other than Scavengers.
+ Made some changes to address the strategic AI spending itself to death.
+ Fixed an issue where COL launchers were not orienting to face the target.
+ Addressed known issues with node lines and fleet travel.
+ Fixed some issues with fleets showing up behind routes.
+ Fixed a bug where fleet pathing would sometimes return an incomplete route.
+ Addressed known issues with DLC materials.
+ Fixed a bug related to colonizing systems with more than one colony.
+ Fixed a bug with armor alignment on tooltips.
+ Fixed the bug where research was not being cancelled when going too
far over budget.

Other Changes and Additions:
+ Build screen now sorts available ship classes, and only shows
classes that you have designs for.
+ Implemented Smart Nanite effects.
+ Stealth armor on all sections now correctly reduces sensor signature in strat.
+ Full functionality for Liir battlecruisers and battleships.
+ Full functionality for mines and cracker COLs.
+ Improved grappling hook physics.
+ Effective ranges for ships used in stance positioning no longer
include PD weapons unless requested.
+ Numerous ship section, weapon and module data tweaks.
+ It is now possible to select a direct route for Zuul bore ships to travel.
+ Updated UI for upgrade missions.
+ Updated combat UI introducing new cloaking, stance buttons, facing
buttons and a priority weapon toggle.
+ Fixed some spelling errors in UI.

Stronghold 3 1.8.28566

Patrol added – Troops can now be set to patrol between 2 patrol points (see below for more information).

Barracks Assembly Points added – Individual troop types can now form up at designated assembly points (see below for more information).

Reworked wall system to prevent small sections of wall remaining after deleting walls (This is fixed for newly placed walls, some pre-placed walls will still have occasional issues).

Fixed an issue with the walls occasionally causing hoarding/rolling/stairs to change/disappear.

Fixed an issue involving Woodcutters occasionally getting stuck in the stockpile.

Fixed the issue with troop’s stance automatically changing to aggressive.

Fixed a crash related to rain and video memory on the ATI 1950 video card (might have affected other videocards too) in military mission 6, 11 and economic mission 2.

Fixed an issue with the Lord returning from the dead when loading a save game in Military Mission 15.

Fixed an issue that made troops invincible in Freelook mode.

Fixed an issue where projectiles remained in Freelook mode.

Objects embedded in the wall which was of varying height is no longer too high/low for the wall.

Several issues resolved with Military Campaign Mission 14 with troops stuck on and in walls.

Fixed issue when entrances to certain tunnel entrances on towers wouldn’t work.

When moving troops in formation use single right click to move troops at the same speed (all move at speed of the slowest troop) and double right click to move troops at their default speeds.

Boiling oil no longer kills your own troops when dropped from the gatehouse.

Stopped the music from changing when animal invasions or troop reinforcements are triggered. (Affects Military mission 2 in particular.)

Fixed issue with audio from troops attacking walls (as well as some other sounds) cutting each other off causing audio distortion.

Fixed an issue with not being able to place walls in multiplayer custom maps & The Deadshore.

Fixed an out of sync in Multiplayer related to walls.

Fixed an out of sync related to Knights on Horses attacking.

Fixed an out of sync in 4 player Multiplayer related to the type of Lord chosen by players 3 and 4.

Mangonels and other tower siege equipment can no longer attack during peacetime in Multiplayer.

After loading a save game all the previous missions will now be unlocked in the campaign menu.

Scores have been fixed for user-created Military based maps.

Fixed a crash when loading a savegame with fire (thanks to Bob, MK & Kostas for sending us their savegames).

Various crashes have been fixed.

- Select troops and left-click on the Patrol button in the slide-out command drawer.
- Right-click on terrain or walls to set the patrol destination.
- The troops will march back and forth between their starting position and the patrol destination.

Barracks Assembly Points:
- Select the Barracks, and right-click on a troop build button.
- A rally point banner will appear on the cursor. Place it by right-clicking, or left-click to cancel.
- Troops of that type will now march to the rally point automatically when they are recruited.

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