Premières images pour Napoléon Campaign II et A Game of Dwarves

Publié le 19 janvier 2012 par Cyberstratege

La convention 2012 de Paradox Interactive bat son plein depuis hier soir dans un petit chateau du coté de Stockholm . Parmi les différentes informations concernant les nouveaux jeux de Paradox, on découvre avec surprise une suite des Campagnes de Napoléon, réalisé par AGEOD (désormais Paradox France) il y a quelques années. Voilà qui devrait ravir les amateurs de la période des guerres napoléoniennes, du moins ceux appréciant le Clausewitz engine et le temps réel. Autrement dit le moteur de Europa Universalis 3 et consors. AGEOD, qui annoncera d’ailleurs bientôt un nouveau jeu devant beaucoup plaire aux fans, AGEOD donc suivra de près le projet de Napoleon’s Campaign 2, garantissant ainsi un respect de l’esprit du précédent volet.

En attendant d’en savoir plus, voyez le résumé ainsi que les screenshots et le trailer ci-dessous. Les cartes des jeux d’AGEOD ayant toujours étaient très belles et soignées, notez que si l’on voit peu ici le détail de la carte c’est tout simplement car celle-ci est encore en travaux. Les images suivantes offrent donc juste un premier survol du jeu, dont la sortie est prévue vers la fin de l’année.


Napoleon’s Campaigns II – Announcement trailer par Cyberstratege



Napoleon’s Campaigns II is the heir of the original and successful Napoleon’s Campaign. This historical strategy game is dedicated to replaying the whole of the Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815).


With Napoleon’s Campaigns II you will play an epic grand historical scenario covering the whole of the Napoleonic Wars, ten years of conflict in Europe and the rest of the world between 1805 and 1815
The game will feature production of units, diplomacy with other nations (minor and major), army and fleet management, and the quest for becoming the dominant power of Europe, the ultimate goal of every major nation involved
In addition, the French will have to satisfy the ‘Napoleonic Glory’ goal, a concept rendering the dynastic appetite of the Emperor
All the hundreds of various units, with their beautiful uniforms, and over 600 historical leaders with unique abilities and portraits are here, as well as the events of the age.
Organize divisions, armies and corps, manage supply and morale, and choose your leaders in command
The largest Napoleonic Europe map ever, with unequalled look and detail, also including famous overseas theaters (e.g. North America, the Caribbean or India)
Multiplayer for up to 8 players

Dans un tout autre registre on découvre aussi A Game of Dwarves, une sorte de jeu mi-gestion, mi-stratégie, faisant penser à une rencontre entre Dwarf Fortress et Dungeon Keeper. Le concept pouvant paraitre amusant mais aussi obscur qu’une galerie s’enfonçant dans les tréfonds d’une montagne, voici captures d’écran, bande-annonce et résumé des principales caractéristiques du jeu pour vous éclairer un peu :


A Game of Dwarves Announcement trailer par Cyberstratege



Core Gameplay
A dwarven prince on a quest to reclaim his people’s old country takes the player on a journey through a continent, uncovering the buried mysteries of the Great War. With a combination of strategy and management, the player rules their settlements of dwarves, having them explore the earth and utilize its resources. The gameplay consists of ordering the inhabitants of a dwarven settlement to dig, build and conduct research in order to strengthen the clan, whilst defending themselves from the terrible beasts from the depths into which they delve. The game generates a unique world each time a new level starts, making sure that the player needs to dynamically adapt their strategies and tactics during a session. As the player advances, the dwarves will level up and gain new skills, progressing from weak dwarflings to near immortal warriors or master craftsmen. There are also rare resources to be found deeper in the earth that grant access to better buildings and equipment. However, the deeper you dig the more dangerous foes you might unleash…

•Explore – The randomly generated maps will always keep the content fresh and increase the sense of exploration when digging through the earth.
•Build – The things that the player can build in-game are not only practical, but their designs are varied and pretty too! This allows the player to build the objects they personally think look great, while still gaining progress. Home is where the art is.
•Command – With the order system the player can easily control oodles of dwarves simultaneously without the need for extensive micro management.