Du dessin à la chaise, de la chaise au dessin par Marta bakowski

Par Vincent Espritdesign @espritdesign

Marta Bakowski, designer franco-polonais basé du côté de Londres nous propose sa réflexion autour de la notion de Chaise, son approche, ses lignes, ses perspectives… Une transposition des dessins et lignes dans un environnement 3D, le tout symbolisé par des fils, simplement colorés nous permettant de distinguer Une Chaise.

Les mots du designer :

I my design approach, I predominantly question the emotional functionality of objects. I believe that objects that trigger a positive emotional response from the user, through their aesthetic but mainly in the way they are used, the stories they tell and the debates they raise, are predestined to have a longer lifespan and a real reason and right to exist.

The process is often more interesting to me than the actual final outcome and this is why I usually give a big place to research in my work. My objects are mostly simple and playful and are inspired from my everyday observations of the human behaviour as well as my observations and research on nature, colours, movements and geometry…

Plus d’informations sur le designer, artiste ? : Marta bakowski

By Blog Esprit Design