Magazine Focus Emploi

Mac Book Pro : the white screen of death ..

Publié le 04 mars 2008 par Patrice Roulive

Today was my first bad with a Mac. I did the usual “update software” … and rebooted the mac.

And bang .. white screen of death … blank screen nothing else, no mouse, no keyboard, nothing …

After searching on the net on the mediacenter … it seems to be a “smart sleep” bug in osx.

Here is what I used to get things up and running again ..

1. Remove the power supply and the battery
2. Hold the power button for 10 secs
3. Put the battery back in, and the power supply as well
4. Power on while holding : Apple+Function+P+L keys all together …

Never thought it would work but all got back to normal.

The strange thing is that on a PC I would have considered all this “normal behaviour” ..

But I must say, I was 10 minutes away of selling my Apple stock ..


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