I'm finally back at home in France... And as soon as I've finished some very inspiring tasks like unpacking, washing, sorting mail and storing away Christmas decorations, I'll be back with lots of new inspiration for 2012! Meanwhile, this is the kind of white and uncluttered pictures that I always feel inspired by at this time of the year. Maybe a reaction to an overdose of Christmas decorations?
Je suis enfin de retour chez moi en France... Et dès que j'aurai terminé des tâches très inspirantes comme défaire mes valises, faire des lessives, trier le courrier et ranger la déco de Noël, je reviendrai avec plein de nouvelles inspirations pour 2012! En attendant, voici le genre d'images blanches et épurées qui m'inspirent toujours à cette époque de l'année. Peut-être une réaction à l'overdose de décorations de Noël?
I'm finally back at home in France... And as soon as I've finished some very inspiring tasks like unpacking, washing, sorting mail and storing away Christmas decorations, I'll be back with lots of new inspiration for 2012! Meanwhile, this is the kind of white and uncluttered pictures that I always feel inspired by at this time of the year. Maybe a reaction to an overdose of Christmas decorations?
Sources 1. Rum dk / photo Heidi Lerkenfeldt, 2-3. styling Mikael Beckman, 4. Bolia, 5. Johanna Ekmark, 6. Alvhem, 7. Magnus Anesund, 8. Martin Olson, 9. Moa og kaffekoppen, 10. Trine Thorsen, 11. via Items by designbird
I'm finally back at home in France... And as soon as I've finished some very inspiring tasks like unpacking, washing, sorting mail and storing away Christmas decorations, I'll be back with lots of new inspiration for 2012! Meanwhile, this is the kind of white and uncluttered pictures that I always feel inspired by at this time of the year. Maybe a reaction to an overdose of Christmas decorations?