Je pense qu'entre les nombreux drames américains et Bowling for Columbine tout le monde sait que les armes a feux sont chose commune aux USA. Nous en avons une a la maison que je refuse tout bonnement de toucher. Premièrement parce que je ne sais pas m'en servir et deuxièmement parce que les armes a feu me mettent mal a l'aise. Ayant grandit en France je ne connaissais personne avec une arme a feu, si ce n'est mon oncle, un chasseur. A l'inverse ici la plupart des gens que je connais en ont une ou tout du moins savent s'en servir.
Récemment on m'a propose de participer a un cours de tir aux pigeons. L'occasion de faire une sortie en équipe et de servir de cobaye a de nouveaux professionnels. Malgré mon appréhension des armes j’étais curieuse. Surtout que tant qu'a toucher une arme pour la première fois autant être avec un professionnel. Du coup j'ai dit oui.
I can't help but think about Nancy Sinatra's interpretation of the song from Kill Bill1 every time I think about a firearm. I think that between the several American dramas with weapons in the past few years and Bowling for Columbine, everyone knows that firearms are a common thing in the US. We have one at home and I simply refuse to touche it. First of all because I don't know how to use it and secondly because firearms make me feel uncomfortable. Growing up in France I didn't know anyone with a gun except for my uncle, a hunter.It's the complete opposite here most of the people I know either have a gun or know how to use one. I was recently offered to participate in a clay shooting class. It was a team outing with work to serve as guinea pigs for new instructors. Besides my apprehension towards weapons I was curious. And if I have to touch a firearm for the first time it might as well be with a professional. So I said yes.

I have to say that I was surprised, out of the five students, we were three who had never held a gun. Now out of the three I'm also the last one you'd want to take with you in the case of an apocalypse. The only two times that I hit the target was because the instructor told me when to shoot.

Avant de toucher quoi que ce soit on nous a équipé de lunettes teintées de jaunes et de boules quiès. On nous a ensuite fait suivre la cible du doigt. Ça encore je savais faire. Ensuite les instructeurs ont choisi un fusil de taille adaptées et l'on place contre ma joue et m'ont indique ou placer les mains. La j'avoue je n’étais pas tranquille, si prés du visage? Je m'imaginais déjà avec un bleu sur le visage.
De nouveau ils m'ont fait travaille le suivit de la cible. Et puis est venu le moment de tirer la gâchette.
Bang le coup est parti. J’étais surprise, le recul était en fait beaucoup moins violent que ce que je pensais.
The goal of clay shooting is to hit little circles of clay shot out by a machine. The clay needs to be hit in several places to brake. But first one has to be able to follow the target. Before touching anything we were equipped with yellow glasses and ear plugs. We were then instructed to follow the target with our finger. That I could do. Then the instructor picked a shotgun addapted to my size and placed it against my cheek letting me know where to place my hands. I wasn't feel too goo there, so close to my face? I was already imagining the bruise I would get. Again I did target practice following the target without shooting. Then came the time to pull the trigger. Bang! It shot out. I was surprised, the recoil was not as bad as I thought it would be.

Ils auraient voulu que je ferme l’œil gauche, sauf que je fais parti de ces gens qui ne peuvent pas vous faire de l’œil. Du coup comme solution le chef instructeur a sorti son baume a lèvre pour l'appliquer généreusement sur le verre gauche des lunettes, m'obligeant a n'utiliser que le droit.
The instructor kept on letting me know when to pull the trigger, but I'd still miss my target most of the time. I think I had a hard time focusing on the target. It's important to follow it with your eyes (and the barrel) and shoot only once you see the upper third clearly. I think I'm a premature shooter... They wanted me to close my left eye, except that I'm part of those people who couldn't even wink at you. As an alternate solution the chief of the instructors pulled out his lip balm and covered my left glass lense with it, forcing me to use the right eye only.

Je pense que j'aurais pu progresser un peu mieux avec un instructeur plus entraine et franchement ça me dirait bien de réessayer. Enfin je ne compte pas aller chasser mon gibier ou acheter une arme a feu pour autant quand même.
Avez vous déjà utilise une arme a feu?
PS: un point positif quand même. Ils étaient surpris que je puisse tenir l'arme plus grande qu'ils m'ont fait essayer d'abord sans trop de problème. J'ai eu droit a un "vous êtes athlétique". Ben oui mon chou, je suis peut etre une fille d'1m55 mais ça ne m’empêche pas d'avoir des muscles.
In the end I probably hit the target two or three times. I was having fun but the poor instructor who was being tested was stressed out. Poor thing he's supposed to get his clients to hit the target. By the end of the session he was loosing it. Yep even a man with a weapon can loose it. I think I could have made more progress with a more seasoned instructor and to be honest I wouldn't mind trying again. Well I have no plans on hunting my meat or buying a weapon non the less.
Have you ever used a weapon?
PS: A positive point still. They were surprised that I could hold without much of an issue the bigger shotgun they handed me at first. I got a "You're athletic" comment. Well yes dear I may be a 5'1" woman but I've got muscles.