Two weeks ago Hubby and his brother took care of the attic insulation. I had been asking for us to take care of this for a year and we were trying to match our schedules. But ultimately he did it while I worked. I can't complain, I didn't have to get up there and clean up the old squirrels nests from our attic. There was a lot of trash up there, but also some vintage treasures. He found two old soda cans that I believe date back to the 70's or 80's. The Royal Cola can even has the old can opening system.
Besides the cans design, I was frankly amused by the ingredients listed" "nutritive sweetener (sugar or corn sweetener)". If the ingredients barely changed, they don't dare to say nutrivite anymore, in fact it's now listed as high fructose corn syrup.
Nos cannettes se sont donc ajoutées a la bouteille de verre (après avoir été lavées) pour décorer le dessus des placards de la cuisine. Moi j'aime bien ces vieux trésors qui font un peu parler les anciens habitants de la maison.
In the vintage bottle series, we also have a milk or buttermilk bottle from Biltmore Dairy found in the basement. It's from the time when Biltmore had a big dairy farm and distributed milk bottle to the regions households. At the time the Vanderbilt's Jersey Cows were quite famous. Our cans were therefore added to the milk bottle (after being washed) and decorate the top of out kitchen cupboards. I like those old treasures that may the former inhabitants of this house speak in a way.