Tenu par un jeune graphiste lyonnais passioné par se domaine, le site sera régulièrement actualisé. Surfez bien ;)!
Rien de plus à rajouter, tout est dit, à vous d’aller voir.”
Dernière news, dans la série ça sert à rien et çà m’a fait rire petit lien vu sur le blog de pinkasimov : le sleevefacing (voici le lien : ici)
Et enfin petite vidéo pour les accros au café : hop
English version by google : Today, focus on the work of a Web designer / illustrator Brazilian Bruno Borges, very flash, very funky, see (here is the link: oit8doi2). This book has been distributed this morning by what will be my second link of the day: Here sequ3nce Editorial: ‘Hello / Good evening and welcome to sequ3nce. A site dedicated to the discovery of design nowadays, the speed - painting, and painting or photography.
Run by a young designer by Lyon is a passionate subject, the site will be regularly updated. Surf well;)!
Nothing more to add, everything has been said, you are going to see. “
Latest entry in the series is a waste of time here and made me laugh small link seen on the blog pinkasimov: sleevefacing (here is the link: here)
And finally short video for addicted to coffee: hop