Le livre est organise par thèmes: petit-déjeuner, déjeuner, en-cas, diner, boissons, gourmandises et accompagnements. Chaque recette met en valeurs les ingrédients principaux sous le titre, donne une petite histoire et de belles photos. Une des choses que j'aime c'est que les ingrédients sont notés en volume, onces et grammes, donc utilisable n'importe ou dans le monde.
J'ai deja essaye plusieurs des recettes et je les aime toutes.
I have a love for cookbooks and recipes. I have only mastered a few recipes in the kitchen and while I can make you a variety of quiche, lasagna or sauteed vegetables, on a daily basis I rely on recipes. One of our kitchen shelve is lined up with vegetarian cooking magasines and cookbooks. My latest addition to my collection comes from reading La Tartine Gourmande's article and making the Little Quinoa Patties. The idea being the book is easy day to day recipes which are vegetarian and made with whole foods. Everything that I love.
The book is organized by themes: Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Dinner, Drinks, Treats and Accompaniments. Each recipe highlights the main ingredients under the title, give a little story and beautiful pictures. One thing I really liked is that the ingredients are listed in volume, ounces and grams. Making it easy to use anywhere in the world.I have tried several of the recipes so far and have absolutely loved every single one.
The Quinoa Patties listed in the snack but I find them great as the protein for my dinner, they are easy to make and easy to adapt with any veggies on hand.
J'ai fait le Miso-Cury Delicata Squash apres avoir demande a Hubby de feuilleter le livre et de choisir une recette pour son repas d'anniversaire. Depuis j'ai utilise l'assaissonement miso-pate de curry plus d'une fois pour les cucurbitaces.
I made the Miso Cury-Delicata Squash after letting Hubby scan through the book and pick a recipe for his birthday dinner. I've used the miso-curry paste seasoning with winter squash a few times since.
La salade de Kale avec de la noix de coco a ete une vrai surprise. Je n'aurais jamais ose mettre ses ingredients la ensemble et pourtant la combinaison etait splendide. C'etait d'ailleurs encore mieux le lendemain avec un peu de poisson pour accompagner.
The Kale Salad with coconut was a true surprise, I would have never tried those ingredients on my own and it worked out really well. It was even better the next day with a side of fish.
Enfin j'ai teste un petit-dej de tonnerre: les flocons d'avoine cuits au four. Je pense refaire ca tres bientot mais certainement avec des fruits de saison comme la courge et des epices de type cannelle et noix muscade avec des graines de citrouille et des cranberries.
Finally I made a wholesome breakfast with the baked oatmeal. I'm going to make this again really soon and I'm thinking about trying it with seasonal fruits such as butternut squash with spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, pumpkin seeds and dried cranberries.
What is the last cookbook you added to your collection?