Barfi de pistacheIngrédients500 g de pistaches en poudre1 boîte de de lait concentré sucré50 ml de crème4 càs de gheeFeuille d’argent pour décorer (facultatif)Méthode :Mélanger tous les ingrédients.Faire cuire au micro-onde pendant 8 minutes en reposant la pâte pendant une minute et en remuant toutes les deux minutes.Etaler la pâte dans une moule (2 cm) et couvrir de feuilles d’argent.Couper des losanges quand le burfi a refroidi.

When I was in Paris for the last blogger picnic organized by Dorian, j’ai brought powdered pistachios, following Monique’s advice. I did well because I made a burfi (the previous recipe is herz). I used another technic, with condensed milk and I did not add any sugar to make the burfi, which was not too sweet and delicious (for my family, at least).
Pistachio BarfiIngredients500g pistachio powder1 can of condensed milk50 ml cream4 tbsp gheeMethod:Mix all the ingredients.Cook in the microwave oven for 8 minutes, resting the paste for 1 minute and mixing every two minutes.Spread the paste in a mould and cover with silver paper.Cut diamonds when cool.