Je ne sais meme pas si il est possible de trouver du maïs encore dans les spathes (feuilles vertes qu protegent le maïs) en France. Mais ici c'est commun, le maïs est present sur les étals durant tout l’été. On en trouve de nombreuses variétés, jaune, blanc ou bicolore, mon mari aimerais bien que je lui trouves du Candy Corn qui parait il est très sucre.
Corn on the Cob is a classic summertime american dish. It's one of those things I remember seeing in American movies and cartoons. I have in mind one with Mickey Mouse eating it at a speed that to this day I cannot even come close to imitate.
I don't know if fresh corn for human consumption can even be found in France. But here it's very common and on display all summer long. There are many varieties, yellow, white, bi-color, Hubby would like me to find the Candy Corn which is supposed to be a super sweet variety.
The corn is eaten straight from the cob. In fact there are even some accessories like the corn holders and molds below to allow to put the corn down and eat it without getting your hands dirty.
The corn should be as fresh as possible, to know that it's necessary to push back the leaves and check the corn. It's at the freshest when the corn isn't dimpled (unlike the one below).
Servir ensuite avec du beurre et un peu de sel.
To prepare it shuck the corn (remove leaves and silks), then drop in boiling water for a few minutes. Real good sweet corn can be eaten raw, but if you want it cooked one to two minutes are usually suficiant.Serve with butter and salt.