Magazine Internet

FBI vs Anonymous : le cyberterroriste a 13 ans

Publié le 20 juillet 2011 par Carlanoirci

TF1 nous informe annonce que « les autorités américaines ont arrêté mardi 16 suspects. Des agents du FBI ont notamment interpellé 14 personnes dans neuf Etats différents et à Washington pour le piratage de PayPal, le site de paiement en ligne utilisé par eBay ».  Les attaques avaient consisté en un déni de service distribué (DdOS), effectué à l’aide de LOIC.

Le commentaire d’un internaute chez qui le FBI a débarqué il y a 12h replace dans son contexte la vague d’arrestations. Si votre fils a moins de 15 ans, qu’il a téléchargé LOIC et que votre IP a été enregistrée sur le serveur d’un site web attaqué, vous aussi coûterez de l’argent au contribuable.

FBI vs Anonymous : le cyberterroriste a 13 ans

At around 11:00 this morning, I had 4 cars and a van filled with FBI agents pull up to my house, and then invade. I have learned enough from Reddit to ask for a copy of the search warrant, which took them at least half an hour to provide, and it was a « copy » (bad signature, no seals, etc.). They ushered me and my four kids to the couch, and then proceeded to search my house, with guns drawn, and collect all our electonic devices and equipment.

When I finally got to sit down and talk to them, they said that packets were sent from our isp address during the ddos attack on paypal. They said my son was responsible (he was 13 at the time). They sat down with both of us and asked about our involvement with AnonOps. I think they were surprised (really?) that I knew about Anonymous. []

Why would they spend all this time, energy, and funds to get a kid who was trying to be cool and follow Anon without knowing any of the consequences? What do I do to protect him? What can I expect? They seized two desk top computers.

Thanks for any feedback or guidance or information.

*EDIT Can’t « lawyer up », don’t have the funds. I guess my biggest question is this: Why would they spend all the time and resources on a child? If they want to get Anon, how about spending the funds they spent today on researching who to really go after? Seems like a waste of my tax payer dollars.

Edit 2 There are a lot of people calling bullshit. It is « United States District Court Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division. Case number: 114328. I am trying to take pictures with my phone to upload, but I am not certain that it will be clear enough, and I have a new computer (bought today, and it is not hooked up to the printer/scanner).

FBI raided my house with a search warrant today 20 agents, guns drawn because they seem to believe my 13 year old son was an integral part of the ANON ddos attack on Paypal…… : AskReddit.

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