Un court message pour partager avec vous ces 2 intéressants plis philatéliques en provenance de Riga, capitale de la Lettonie. Merci beaucoup Juris :-)
Le cachet spécial ci-dessous a été mis en circulation à l'occasion des championnats du monde de Basketball des moins de 19 ans, organisés en Lettonie du 30 juin au 10 juillet 2011.
Chacune des 3 villes organisatrices, Riga, Liepaja et Valmiera ont émis le même type d'oblitération valables à des dates différentes (du 4 au 10 juillet 2011 pour celle de Riga ci-dessous).
Pour info, la Lituanie voisine a remporté cette compétition devant la Serbie et la Russie.
A short post to share with you these two interesting philatelic covers coming from Riga, the Latvian capital. Thank you very much Juris :-)
The special postmark below was released at the occasion of the World U19 Basketball Championships, held in Latvia from June 30 to July 10, 2011.
Each of the three host cities, Riga, Liepaja and Valmiera have issued the same type of cancellation, valid at different dates (from 4 to 10 July 2011 for the Riga's one below).
Fyi, neighbouring Lithuania has won this competition ahead of Serbia and Russia.
Ce timbre ci-dessus rend hommage à un des plus grands clubs féminins du pays, le TTT Riga, champion d'Europe des clubs à 18 reprises entre 1960 et 1982.
Grâce à la vignette ci-dessus à gauche, faisant partie de la feuille de timbres émis en 2010 concernant les symboles nationaux lettons (en attendant les 100 ans de la république de Lettonie en 2018...), vous pourrez chanter l'hymne letton "Dieu, bénis la Lettonie", écrit et composé par Karlis Baumanis :)
Juris had the good idea to use one of the four stamps part of the series, issued on June 2, 2009, devoted to basketball at the occasion of the Women's European Championship held in Latvia (and won by France !).
The stamp above is a tribute to one of the greatest women's clubs in the country, TTT Riga, European Club Champion 18 times between 1960 and 1982.
With the coupon above to the left, part of the sheet of stamps issued in 2010 devoted to the Latvian national symbols (by waiting the 100 years of the Republic of Latvia in 2018...), you can sing the anthem of Latvia "God bless Latvia", written and composed by Karlis Baumanis :)
Mais je ne sais pas exactement ce que symbolise ce timbre à date ??
The second letter above, mailed on June 14, 2011, has two special postmarks commemorating the 70th anniversary of the tragedy of Litene, the name of this Latvian town where, on June 14, 1941 (the "year of terror" during the Soviet occupation), 120 Latvian army officers were arrested and executed by the NKVD, the secret police of the former USSR...
But I don't know exactly what this cancellation is symbolizing ??