[Rétro] Nightwing #133, l’évolution de Robin

Par Citizene

Cette semaine la séquence rétro, nous emmène en août 2007, avec le numéro #133 de Nightwing. Une superbe couverture réalisée par Ryan Sooks, qui nous montre les différentes étapes du personnages de Robin, aux travers des reflets de la vitre. Ce numéro était écrit par Marv Wolfman et dessiné par Jamal Igle, qu’on a pu voir sur Zatanna.

Le pitch :

Nightwing is in the middle of beating up a group of kidnappers when someone tries to kill one of the kidnappers.  Nightwing saves him and goes after the gunmen, but loses him.  When he returns, the kidnappers are gone, although they left behind the injured one.  Later, the injured kidnapper is visited by his “lawyer” in the hospital.  To make sure the kidnapper doesn’t talk, the lawyer kills him.  When Nightwing visits the hospital looking for clues, he is shot by the rest of the kidnapper’s gang.  They are lousy shots and even worse fighters, so they run away.  Nightwing follows and is able to save the victim, who happens to be someone Dick romanced a long time ago.  And someone who Dick, when he was Robin, had to arrest a long time ago.  Later, Dick meets her at Bones Gym and the two go out together.  During the time together they are watched by the Vigilante, who is following her to get to her boss:  Eddie Hwang.

La couverture par Ryan Sooks :