Superhero Girl de Faith Erin Hicks c’est un peu le bonbon du lundi, une manière de démarrer la semaine en douceur, bien que là les affaires commencent un peu à se corser pour notre héroïne qui rencontre son premier super-size monster.
Superhero Girl has a few variations on her superhero outfit. This is more of a punky look … ’cause she’s going to kick some tentacle monster ass!
Hey you know when you’re supposed to be doing something important, like giving a speech or talking to a freelance client on the phone, and you’re so nervous you start giggling and you kinda can’t stop? I think that’s kinda what panel 5 is like. Also, we learn Superhero Girl is sorta fireproof but her hair and clothing isn’t. Good thing this isn’t a REAL superhero comic or ALL her clothing would be completely burned away except for a couple strategically placed spots HAHAHAH oh comics you make me weep sometimes.
My boyfriend pointed out the monster looks like the Uglydoll I sleep with. I told him he was crazy. Ah, love.