Magali m'a fait connaitre cette liste des 100 personnes les plus influentes spirituellement dans le monde (J'avoue ne pas connaitre tout le monde.)
Il n'y a là bien sûr que les personnes vivantes sinon c'est Jésus en UN et Mahomet en DEUX.
Les critères sont :
1) The person has to be alive
2) The person has to have made a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale
3) The person is frequently googled, appears in Nielsen Data, and highlighted in throughout the blogosphere
It’s interesting to think about the amount of times that a person is googled; in a sense, being googled is a form of digital voting, and illustrates just how often someone is being sought out.
Donc c'est le fait d'apparaitre sur google qui est le critère ! C'est un peu léger.
Interesting statistics:
Male: 76%
Female: 24%
Median age: 67 years
The oldest: 104 years, Kyozan Joshu Sasaki
The youngest: 30 years, Jeff Foster
*88. Kenneth Grant passed away on January 15th, 2011. His extraordinary influence will continue to be felt.