Ci-dessous le "sentier" devenu rivière, à gauche la ruisseau qui dévale n'en est normalement pas un. C'est juste le trop plein d'eau qui dévale la montagne.
The day after the big storms that hit the area we went for a short hike. I remember the panicked call from my grandmother to make sure we were ok while I was looking at a big blue sky with four clouds. For us it was a lot of water but not much more. The big storms mainly hit farther South and East. However we could see the difference on the trails.
Below the "trail" became a creek, to the left the brook is normally not there. It's the overflow of water coming down the mountain.

En sortant de là j'avais l'impression que mon sang bouillait dans mes veines, telle l'eau de la cascade, uns sensation d'énergie qui fait penser que l'on peut tout faire. Sauf peut être: être à l'heure chez les copains, mais la cascade le vallait bien.
Here is the waterfall. I don't know if the picture allows to feel the power of the water. An incredible force thundering and sending the spray around. We stayed in front of it for several long minutes, mesmerized by the power of nature, smiling like idiots, looking at the waves jumping on the rocks.
Getting out of there, I felt like my blood was boiling in my veins, like the water of the falls, a feeling of energy making you think you could achieve anything. Well except maybe being on time at our friends, but the waterfall was worth it.

Pour vous donner une idée, en temps normal la cascade ressemble à ça.
To give you an idea, normally the waterfall looks like that

Here a few cows and their