Aujourd’hui, grâce au Mouching, une véritable révolution vestimentaire est en train de voir le jour. Au lieu de porter ces affreux masques anonymes, nous allons bientôt lancer sur le marché ces élégants masques d’allure jeune et dynamique brodés à la main par notre équipe de dentellières du Puy. (elles étaient promises au chômage ; grâce à nous, le sourire éclaire de nouveaux leurs délicats minois.)
La ligne dite « Les sept nains » est déjà en préparation.
C’est simple, nous direz-vous. Mais comme toutes les choses simples (pénicilline) il fallait y penser.
It is during our fishing trip in Belize that this outstanding idea begun germinating inside our ever boiling brain. In two words , here is the genesis. You surely knows that in the countries where tarpon, bonefish and other gorgeous toys, the sun is almost always present with a vengeance and for good protection, our olive oil ( first cold press ) is far from beeing adequate. That’s why local fishermen are wearing these horrible balaclava. Prehistoric and scarry design not to say the least… Claustrophobic like i am, noway i’ll put these horror over my head. On top of looking like an international terrorist, » draguer » a young exotic local beauty is virtualy impossible; believe me !
The ligne called » 7 dwarfs » is already being almost done. Others will follow. Try , for a moment to imagine the dumbfounded face of a 200 Lbs tarpon discovering in a corner the happy face of DOPEY and GRUMPY. There are chances that the beast will wide open his mouth from laughing and that is exactly the right moment when the cheating fisherman will hook the monster in his gum. That’s it. Easy isn’it ? Well.. like all grand discovery ( penicilin..) one had to think hard !