Keep Shelly in Athens: Yellow Man - Stream Keep Shelly in Athens...

Publié le 28 mars 2011 par La 3e Heure!
Keep Shelly in Athens: Yellow Man - Stream
Keep Shelly in Athens...  Played:40 [Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]

Keep Shelly in Athens: Yellow Man - Stream

Keep Shelly in Athens s’apprête à sortir une cassette à tirage limitée (150 copies) chez le label japonais Sixteen Tambourines. Parmi les titres repris, on trouve un inédit, Yellow Man. Pour commander la cassette, c’est par ici!

Yellow Man is a new track by Keep Shelly in Athens featured on their very limited cassette released next month via japonese label Sixteen Tambourines. Pre-order here.