Heureusement pour nous il faisait grand beau temps, et puis l'eau froide c'est bon pour la circulation non?
Nous étions a Turkeypen, entre Asheville et Brevard. Au départ nous avons suivi le sentier de Vineyard Gap. On avait bien vu sur la carte que ca ne rejoinait pas officiellement d'autre sentier, mais ça semblait sympa. La descente des crêtes à la rivière était comment dire? Plutôt directe et n'ayant aucune envie de remonter la même pente nous avons décidé de traverser la rivière et suivre un différent chemin vu que nous avons vu un marqueur de sentier.
I've heard that barefoot or minimalist shoes walking or running is getting big. So Hubby and I are quite trendy since part of our week-end hike was in direct contact with the earth. Sure it wasn't entirely on purpose, we just had a lot of river crossing in very little time, four even. So after a while we got tired of removing and putting our shoes back on.
Thankfully we had a nice warm weather, and in any case cold water is good for blood circulation, right?
We were at Turkeypen, between Asheville and Brevard. In the beginning we followed the Vineyard Gap trail. Of course we saw on the map that it wasn't officially linked to an other trail, but it looked nice. The hike down from the crests to the river was, how to say that? Steep; and we had no wish to hike that back up so we decided to cross the river and follow a different path since we saw a sign.

The water was not warm to say the least. And if the trail sign indicated a crossing for humans, bicycles and horses, but I think it's mainly for horses. Because if on the picture I only have water to my ankles, to reach the other side it was up to my crotch. Thankfully I had a quick drying pair of pants. My main fear was to slide in the water while carying my camera around my neck. Nous avons marché un peu pied nu histoire de les laisser sécher tout ca, puis nous nous sommes installés sur une plage de galets pour casser la croûte.
We walked around bare foot a bit to let thing dry and then settled on a river rock beach to have a snack.

After that things got more complicated. Acording tot he map, the trail was criss crossing the river a few times. Hence Hubby decided to play it Indian Jones/Bear Grylls style and cross on a tree. As fo me I figured we would have to cross it again so I chose to go up on the right bank... I did come across a fire ring, but I had to admit that Hubby was right, I couldn't continue and had to cross on foot.

However I chose to continue bare foot as I knew we would quickly have to cross a ford again, and this time I was right. Hubby chose to put his shoes back on, but he ended up doing like me and going bare foot in the end too.

What really amused us was that we thought we were in the middle of nowhere, except that when we reached a clearing, we came across a group. It wasn't the boy scouts but almost. A kind young man actually helped us avoid an other ford crossing by guiding us to two trees that fell over the river.

On the hike back we followed Mills River. There were a few spots that made us want to come back during summer to swim.

A fun surprise too: signs of beavers who had already gotten well into this pine tree. With the sap it almost looked like the base was covered with varnish.

And the grand finale after four ford crossing, we did not have to put our feet back in the water since we got a bridge at last.

In the end we followed the trails of Vineyard Gap, Riverside and Bradley Creek going by Pea Gap. It's a trail to follow with warm weather given all the ford crossings. Next time I'll take my Chacos (hiking open shoes) with me too.