I believe there is nothing like books to add personnality to a room. I love reading and I love having lots of books in my home (I have posted about it before...). So here are some bookshelves that I spotted in the blogosphere lately and that I really like! The first ones come from three great Scandinavian blogs that I have written about before: Mokkasin, Babyramen and Annaleenas Hem.
Je trouve que rien ne vaut les livres pour ajouter de la personnalité à une pièce. J'adore lire et j'adore avoir plein de livres chez moi (j'en ai déjà parlé ici...). Alors voici quelques bibliothèques que j'ai repérées dans la blogosphère dernièrement et qui me plaisent bien! Les premières proviennent de trois blogs scandinaves très chouettes dont j'ai déjà parlé: Mokkasin, Babyramen et Annaleenas Hem.
I believe there is nothing like books to add personnality to a room. I love reading and I love having lots of books in my home (I have posted about it before...). So here are some bookshelves that I spotted in the blogosphere lately and that I really like! The first ones come from three great Scandinavian blogs that I have written about before: Mokkasin, Babyramen and Annaleenas Hem.
Photos (de haut en bas) Mokkasin, Babyramen, Annaleenas hem, DIY or DIE, Mari Eriksson/Allt i Hemmet, Deko via From Scandinavia with Love, Fjeldborg, Jonas Ingerstedt, Hus&Hem (2), Ingen vanlig dag (2), Här&Nu Hus (3)
I believe there is nothing like books to add personnality to a room. I love reading and I love having lots of books in my home (I have posted about it before...). So here are some bookshelves that I spotted in the blogosphere lately and that I really like! The first ones come from three great Scandinavian blogs that I have written about before: Mokkasin, Babyramen and Annaleenas Hem.