Hannibal Rome and Carthage 1.03 – Hegemony Wars of Ancient Greece : trailer

Publié le 15 mars 2011 par Cyberstratege

Hegemony Philip of Macedon

Une nouvelle mise à jour plutôt conséquente est disponible pour Hannibal Rome and Carthage in the second punic war. Ce patch optimise de nombreuses choses, dont l’interface, l’I.A., ou encore l’équilibrage du jeu. Voyez le changelog ci-dessous pour plus de précisions. Le fichier se télécharge sur cette page chez Matrix.

Par ailleurs, toujours concernant le thème de l’Antiquité, voici une bande-annonce pour la version Gold de Hegemony Philip of Macedon, ce jeu mi-plateau, mi-STR, qui bénéficie avec cette nouvelle version de nombreuses améliorations, et devient quasiment un nouveau jeu. Pour plus d’infos, voyez le site officiel.


Hegemony Gold Wars of Ancient Greece – Trailer par Cyberstratege



Hannibal: Rome and Carthage in the Second Punic War 1.03

· User Interface:

o Improved automatic deployment of units during battles.
o General are now marked to indicate completion of their Command Phase as Admirals already were.
o The tile for the Carthaginian general Hasdrubal Gisco now reads “H. Gisco” instead of “Hasdrubal.” This is an attempt to reduce confusion with the tile for Hasdrubal Barca (Hannibal’s brother).

· Play Balance:

o The Introductory level now uses a lower economic cap for overall Roman recruiting. This has the effect of making the game easier at this level of play. The recruiting pool in Latium-Campania is now somewhat less deep at this level of play as well.
o The game now uses better symmetry in determining when a city’s militia will grow if it has been reduced. Previously this growth always occurred at the end of the turn which favored the Roman player somewhat. This growth now occurs at the beginning of
each player’s Campaign Phase: cities loyal to Carthage will recover at the start of the Carthaginian Campaign Phase; cities loyal to Rome will recover at the start of the Roman Campaign Phase.

· Unit Capability:

o Numidian cavalry now receive an attack bonus during all pursuit. If the unit has additional attack factors from the play of an Option Card, the bonus applies to the increased attack factors as well. This special pursuit bonus applies to all types of
Numidian cavalry: mercenary cavalry (recruited in Zeugitania) as well as units that are allied with Rome or Carthage.
o The Carthaginian general Mago Barca now has a base command rating of 6. Previously he was ranked a 4. His promoted rating remains 7.

· Tutorials:

o The third tutorial “Attacking Enemy Forces” has been updated to show the new pursuit bonus for Numidian cavalry.
o The tutorial which shows the new features for the “Normal” level of play now does a better job of explaining the mechanics of abandoning a siege. This tutorial has been expanded to demonstrate this through an actual relief mission.

· Improved AI Intelligence:

o Besieging Roman Leaders will now storm when it’s advantageous to do so.
o Roman generals will attempt to relieve besieged cities in Italy by sea under certain circumstances. This is only done at the higher levels of play and is based on a scoring system that takes a leader’s command rating, individual initiative, and the
level of difficulty into account.
o The AI will reinforce Rome by sea at the “Normal” level of intelligence when Rome is besieged. This was behavior was previously available only at the “Hard” level of intelligence. This behavior is somewhat less aggressive or reliable at the “Normal”
level of difficulty, however.
o At the higher levels of difficulty, Roman generals will try to detect the need to reinforce Rome’s garrison by land under certain circumstances.
o Roman leaders are now more aggressive in trying to relieve besieged cities by land. Previously they weren’t taking the besieged cities’ garrisons into their calculation for success. This had the effect of discouraging Roman generals from planning to
o Roman armies defeated during field battles in Etruria may now retreat to Rome if that city is not besieged.
o The AI uses a better deployment when Africanus has the “Battle Tactics” option in play.
o Roman leaders do a better job deciding when to relieve the siege of friendly cities.
o The game now explicitly prohibits the AI from using a “Roman Siege” Option Card against a Major City when the attacking army is moving by sea. The AI was already programmed to generally avoid this behavior but now it is enforced as a rule. The Roman
player may still move an army by sea and make a surprise attack against a Major City on a coast. But the attacking general will not be able to use the siege card.
o The Roman Senate is now a little more aggressive in deciding to invade Africa when one of the current consuls is a proponent of overseas deployments. The leaders who lean in this direction are Africanus, Scipio, Caecilius, Cethegus, and Valerius. This
only affects the “Hard” level of difficulty.

· General Improvements and corrections:

o Fixes a rare problem that allowed a leader to get stuck in a loop and move by sea to and from the same province.
o Fixes a rare crash that can occur when trying to play a battle card during a sally battle.
o Roman leaders moving to take a border city by storm are now correctly assessed attrition if this constitutes an Extended Move.
o Roman leaders will not take Syracusan or Numidian units out of their original theater. Previously the AI was allowed to take Syracusan units from Sicily – this violated the game’s rules.
o Improved game logging and detection and prevention of a rare problem with “duplicate” Roman armies.
o City militia are now properly counted in the Game Summary.
o Minor fixes for saving the game when the Roman turn is paused.
o The Carthaginian Senate now takes into account a siege of Syracuse if that city is friendly to Carthage. This is only relevant at the “Hard” level of difficulty.
o Fixes a rare problem that allowed a Roman army to be placed on the map more than once. This situation created a duplicate army that kept a leader on the map even after his term of office ended. The fix also improves the detection of this problem and
how it is resolved. This fix should eliminate this difficult and obscure error once and for all. J
o Corrects some errors in cleaning up “allied” cities in the province of Sicily if Syracuse is taken by assault or falls after a sally or a relief battle.
o The in-game Help System now has an Abandoning Sieges topic that does a better job of explaining the rules for this feature.
o Corrects an error in battles which have the “Inspired Troops” option in effect and have been saved and reloaded.
o A few fixes for some minor and obscure bugs.

V1.03 Beta – February 10, 2011

· User Interface:

o Improved automatic deployment of units during battles.
o General are now marked to indicate completion of their Command Phase as Admirals
already were.

· Play Balance:

o The Introductory level now uses a lower economic cap for overall Roman recruiting. This has the effect of making the game easier at this level of play. The recruiting pool in Latium-Campania is now somewhat less deep at this level of play as well.