Seki et Sakaï épargnées

Publié le 15 mars 2011 par Chroma @Chroma_France

Aujourd'hui nous sommes tous affectés au vu des malheurs qui s'abattent sur le Japon.Voici ce qu'en dit Katsumi Sumikama, PDG de la société célèbre marque de couteaux damassés
"Thank you for your deep worry about Japan and us. A powerful Tsunami spawned by the largest earthquake in Japan's history attacked the eastern coast on March 11th, sweeping away whole towns and villages in enormous and unbelievable scale, 9.0 magnitude. The announcement for the number of deaths and missing people is getting larger and larger, and it is said about 5,000 people today 14th March.  TV news is, however, reporting that the tens of thousands people are still out of contact in some towns, therefore, this big number of people seems to be hopeless.  All the places after this disaster look just hellish sights and nothing there except a heap of debris. In our area Seki city in about the center of mainland, we only felt a small earthquake fortunately and no damage was caused at all.  Japanese citizens were expecting to welcome a beautiful spring with cherry blossom soon, but this disaster completely changed the world.  Government is trying the best to rescue the people who survive as many as possible declaring most emergency rule, and we are also having relief crews and supplies from other countries. This is a catastrophe which really should not be real. Whole Japan go into mourning for victims from this disaster and pray for missing people to be alive as many as possible, and we all hope the sufferers will be helped with enough food, water, cloth and place to stay as soon as possible. We sincerely appreciate you all for sharing your thought with Japan in this situation.
Best regards, Katsumi Sumikama"
La ville de Seki dans la préfecture de Gifu, 95.000 habitants, et de Sakaï près d'Osaka, 85.000 habitants, d'où proviennent les couteaux japonais, ne sont pas affectées cette fois-ci, ni l'île de Tosa (Haiku Kurouchi) au sud de l'île principale, mais l'ampleur de la catastrophe désorganise le pays entier. Katsumi parle d'attaque de la part du  tsunami, au travers de ce message on sent la profonde meurtrissure qui restera sans doute gravée à jamais dans l'âme japonaise. 
Afficher Seki, Sakai, Tosa sur une carte plus grande