"Unexpected Friday sur Darkplanneur": Le tueur en série du Silence des Agneaux "Buffalo Bill" vous manque...et bien faites comme lui offrez vous un Sac de Peau synthétique signé Olivier Goulet, car "SkinBag elegance accompanies your day-to day outings. Its feminine touch seduces those around you while still incorporating functionality "

Véritable objet conceptuel, le skin bag d'Olivier Goulet intégre une dimension Bespoke...certes bien différente d'un Bespoke John Lobb imaginé par James Bort, le SkinBag vous permet comme avec une vraie peau, toute forme de tatouage et de scarification.

SkinBag are autonomous seamless organisms in synthetic skin
recognizable by its wrinkled texture and organic appearance.
Accessories and OuterWear in SkinBag become body extensions.
A carrier of mutation, SkinBag anticipates the fusion between the digital and the organic
and symbolizes the ambivalence between the natural and the artificial,
the instinctive and the optimized.
SkinBag is a relational tool offering, an alchemy between the repulsive and the captivating
which offers a new form of nudity to our social body (including our dress and digital organs).
Whether a limited series or custom order, each SkinBag is hand crafted.