Nike Karlsson, designer for IKEA, says about his country house that "over the years we’ve settled into this place rather than changing it to fit us". The farmhouse is situated on the island of Gotland, Sweden, and was built in 1890. The house is furnished with a lovely mix of vintage finds, stuff from Nike's grandmother and his own design for IKEA.
Nike Karlsson, designer pour IKEA, dit de sa maison de campagne que "nous y avons fait notre nid petit à petit, sans changer grand chose". Cet ancien corps de ferme, construit en 1890, est situé sur l'île de Gotland en Suède. La maison est décorée dans un joli mélange de trouvailles vintage, objets hérités de la grandmère de Nike and son propre design pour IKEA.
Nike Karlsson, designer for IKEA, says about his country house that "over the years we’ve settled into this place rather than changing it to fit us". The farmhouse is situated on the island of Gotland, Sweden, and was built in 1890. The house is furnished with a lovely mix of vintage finds, stuff from Nike's grandmother and his own design for IKEA.
Photos IKEA Family Live
Nike Karlsson, designer for IKEA, says about his country house that "over the years we’ve settled into this place rather than changing it to fit us". The farmhouse is situated on the island of Gotland, Sweden, and was built in 1890. The house is furnished with a lovely mix of vintage finds, stuff from Nike's grandmother and his own design for IKEA.