Magazine Bons plans

Eiffel tower

Publié le 17 février 2011 par Sohk
Eiffel towerNothing more touristic and classical when you think of Paris than the Eiffel tower !
But it's a MUST and so lovely, especially when the night has come, with all its sparkling little lights.
You can decide to go to its top and have a look around. Waouh !
(tip : enjoy the way downstairs after more than 1,500 steps !!!)
Hungry ? If you are not too much in a hurry ;), I advise you to enjoy the restaurant 58 Tour Eiffel (*), instead of all the fast food & snacks bars around.
(*) Kids menu is 8 euros. Starters from 5 euros, main dishes around 14 euros, and desserts around 6 euros. Set menu from 17,50 euros.
During the day, grab (every average 20 minutes !) the Batobus : 8 stops in 8 amazing areas. Enjoy the heart of Paris, quietly sit down in a glass boat.
Absolutely perfect when you spend only one or two days in Paris.
Eiffel towerAround : Trocadéro, Musée de l'Homme (closed until 2012), palais de Tokyo...

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