Patches : Battlefield Academy 1.51, Civilization 5, Blood Bowl édition légendaire, Star Ruler

Publié le 06 février 2011 par Cyberstratege

RĂŠsumĂŠ des nouvelles mises Ă  jour [...]

Battlefield Academy 1.51

New in v1.5.1
+ Game speed control for single player.
+ Global SFX folder.
+ Tweaks and fixes for Blitzkrieg multiplayer maps.

Game Speed Controller
Access through the options menu (ESC). Only available in single player currently.

Global SFX Folder
Set up a My DocumentsMy GamesBBCBAGlobalSounds folder and any sounds found there will replace the main game sounds, but any campaign specific sounds will always be the priority.

+ Multiple Blitzkrieg multiplayer map fixes.
+ Victory Point plugin wasn’t cleaning out the turn limit and could end battles early.

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur le site officiel.

Civilization 5

Released 1/20/2011

* Dead interceptor crash fix (occurred frequently in late-game, usually on the AI turn)
* Movement limit crash fix (occurred when any high-movement unit, a gunship in this case, made use of the railroad bonus and moved beyond the engine visualization limits)
* Crash fix for diplo AI. When the player witnesses an AI leader buy a minor ally, and aggressively purchased them back, the game would eventually crash when the AI leader would correctly try to complain to you about it.
* The following crashes were all discovered via the Steam Crash Reporting system that Civilization V utilizes:
* Crash – pCitizens->GetCityPlotFromIndex(iPlotLoop); is returning NULL in the CvPlayer::DoRevolt loop.
* Crash – Occasionally strange values are sent to the movement cursor code. Wrap and clamp the values before they get to the pathfinder.
* Crash – Fix to divide by zero crash with AI buying plots.
* Crash – In RouteValid, the CvTacticalAnalysisMap cell thinks a plot is claimed, but the plot itself has no owner.
* Crash – Era out of bounds during a reload.
* Crash – During a resync, a crash happens when GameplayUnitCreated calls CvPlot::GetActiveFogOfWarMode apparently because the game’s ActiveTeam is NO_TEAM (-1).


* Fix to Golden Age length (for Reformation policy with both the Persian trait and Chichen Itze)
* Corrected duration of golden ages generated from Taj Mahal and when a Persian player has Chichen Itza (Before the multiple 50% additions were ÂŤ compounded Âť rather than added together into a 100% bonus.)

* Fix to blank science victory details screen

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement automatique sur Steam.

Blood Bowl ĂŠdition lĂŠgendaire


- Ligues PrivĂŠes avec rĂŠglages « Ligue Open » :
* Il est maintenant possible de crĂŠer des ligues privĂŠes avec des rĂŠglages similaires aux Ligues Publiques actuelles (Auld World, Naggaroth Open…).
* Ces nouvelles ligues sont accessibles depuis la Recherche de ligues (Type de ligue: Ligue publique, Gestionnaire: CommunautĂŠ).
* Il est possible de mettre en liste noire des coachs lors de l’administration de ces ligues (GĂŠrer la ligue, Equipes, Liste noire).
* Sur candidature (Oui/Non): Si dÊsactivÊe, les Êquipes peuvent rejoindre la ligue teams sans validation d’un commissionnaire.
* Nouvelles ĂŠquipes uniquement (Oui/Non): Si activĂŠe, seules les ĂŠquipes qui n’ont pas encore jouĂŠes de match peuvent rejoindre la ligue.
* Plusieurs rĂŠglages pour le Matchmaking et les DĂŠfis sont disponibles (ClassĂŠ/Non classĂŠ).

- CorrigÊ un blocage du match lorsqu’un vampire à terre qui a ratÊ le jet de Soif de Sang essaye de se relever.
- CorrigĂŠ un exploit permettant de dĂŠclarer un Blitz avec plusieurs joueurs dans le tour.
- CorrigÊ un mauvais Turnover sur la rÊception de la balle à l’engagement.
- CorrigĂŠ Poignard toujours utilisĂŠ avec Pieux.
- CorrigÊ un problème avec les joueurs qui ne peuvent pas dÊclarer un Blitz après certains Êvènements d’engagement.
- CorrigÊ un plantage sur l’Êvènement Chandelle à la sÊlection d’un joueur à l’extÊrieur du terrain.
- CorrigÊ un plantage sur la remise en jeu de la balle à la sÊlection d’un joueur à l’extÊrieur du terrain.
- CorrigĂŠ Cornes toujours actif avec un Blocage ou un Blitz.
- CorrigĂŠ Poursuite et Tentacules automatiquement relancĂŠes lorsque le rĂŠsultat est 0.
- CorrigÊ un problème avec les Champions perdant leurs compÊtences lors d’une partie avec une Êquipe exportÊe.
- CorrigÊ Blizzard autorisant des Passes d’une distance supÊrieure à Passe Courte.
- CorrigĂŠ Ecrasement bloquant parfois le match lorsque la balle est impliquĂŠe dans la sĂŠquence de Blocage.
- CorrigĂŠ Saut relancĂŠ automatiquement plusieurs fois dans certains cas.
- CorrigÊ Tacle Plongeant demandÊ à l’utilisation de Saut.
- CorrigÊ le double rebond de la balle à l’engagement.
- CorrigĂŠ Soif de Sang testĂŠ au lancement de la Bombe.
- CorrigĂŠ le compteur de temps sur la fenĂŞtre demandant de suivre un joueur repoussĂŠ.
- CorrigĂŠ Transmission fonctionnant sur un joueur HypnotisĂŠ.
- Tacle Plongeant : Mise Ă  jour de la fenĂŞtre pour y afficher le log.
- Tacle Plongeant : Ne sera pas demandÊ sur un jet d’Esquive de 1 ou 6 avant modification.
- Chandelle: Le jeu ne choisira plus alĂŠatoirement un joueur Ă  placer sous le ballon Ă  la fin du compteur.
- Mise Ă  jour de la fenĂŞtre de Relance pour afficher les informations correctes sur le rĂŠsultat de Poursuite et d’autres compĂŠtences (Par exemple avec Poursuite: « Vous avez fait 6 et avez besoin de 6″ au lieu de « Vous avez fait 6 et avez besoin de 8″).
- AjoutÊ Tacle dans la fenêtre des CompÊtences Optionnelles lors d’un Blocage.
- Mode Blitz : Le sponsor donne maintenant de l’argent à la fin d’une saison (5 pÊriodes en Campagne) avant le paiement des joueurs.
- Mode Blitz : CorrigÊ un problème en Campagne avec les joueurs qui Êtaient payÊs à la fin d’un tournoi au lieu de l’être à la fin d’une saison complète (5 pÊriodes).

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement automatique sur Steam, par le biais du jeu ou sur le forum officiel.

Star Ruler

Hotfix, pas de changelog

Star Ruler


[Fixed] A long lag before joining a multiplayer game in progress that appears as a freeze (but eventually does connect).
[Fixed] Modded EmpireNames.txt and EmpireColors.txt are now used in the lobby.
[Fixed] Tips files were showing up as languages.
[Fixed] Freeze when holding alt for range rings while hovering on an enemy unit.
[Fixed] Antimatter generators would not explode when disabled due to lack of control.
[Fixed] Queue management commands did not work for dry docks in multiplayer.
[Fixed] Light/Heavy/Stealth hulls were incorrectly scaling with level, making them much too powerful at later tech levels.
[Fixed] Ships can now be retrofitted / scuttled at dry docks.
[Fixed] The victory message was not showing up when eliminating all enemy teams in a team game.
[Fixed] Docking stations into planets or carriers could crash.
[Fixed] Starting a multiplayer game with teams could crash due to timing issues.
[Fixed] When hovering over a sub system with a modifier/link attached to it, the correct stats will now be shown on the left.
[Fixed] Overriding controls that had a default key assigned to them would create duplicate bindings and not be displayed correctly in the options menu.
[Fixed] Hotkey groups are now saved and loaded.
[Fixed] The Rack Mount was misbehaving at small scales. It now behaves much more sensibly at all scales.
[Fixed] Fixed jittery movement of ships in multiplayer (except in very high-lag situations).
[Fixed] Manual transfer orders did not work for MP clients and did not save.
[Fixed] The order list on completely idle ships would not properly display for clients.
[Fixed] Boarding defenses were not scaling up, making them wholly ineffective.
[Changed] Nano armor hitpoints and damage reduction now only increase with armor research, while regeneration rate increases with nanotech research only.
[Changed] Multiplayer server names now default to « <nickname>’s Game ».
[Changed] Clicking the planet lost message now zooms to the system the planet was lost in.
[Changed] Version compatibility is now checked before joining the lobby, instead of after starting the game.
[Changed] When a treaty ends prematurely because of one party lacking the required materials / research, a message is now displayed.
[Changed] Use tool only appears in the right click menu if the ship could actually use that tool on the clicked object.
[Changed] Stations built from orbital dry docks now correctly orbit the original planet.
[Changed] System Searches (used by the AIs) should now be faster.
[Changed] The hovered object poll now uses the OctTree, improving performance by ~10% in large galaxies.
[Changed] Arrow key movement speed now changes more drastically with zoom level, instead of being exceedingly slow when zoomed out.
[Changed] Zoom in now locks on to the system plane, so missing a target will no longer zoom « through » the system.
[Changed] The Remnants now use designs with more advanced technology in them. Analysing or boarding their designs will let you build high-tech toys much earlier.
[Changed] The system rings are now larger so as to fully contain the bounds of the system.
[Changed] Space damage is now percentage based.
[Changed] System ring owner color is now based on military strength rather than pure ship count.
[Changed] Systems are only marked as under attack if either you or the enemy have military presence.
[Changed] Systems that are contested now glow rather than their ring changing color.
[Changed] Distant icons for ships that are taking damage now glow.
[Balance] All armor levels are now equalized, making more advanced armor more viable.
[Balance] Ablative armor now scales the same way as other armor, giving it significantly more hitpoints at higher tech levels.
[Balance] Torpedoes now use less ammo.
[Balance] Planets now have a damage resistance related to cities, capitols, and bunkers. This scales with level, increasing their longevity late-game.
[Added] Savegames may now be deleted in-game.
[Added] Added an ‘experimental’ tab to the options menu. Has various completely unexplained options that aren’t quite ready for release, but mostly work.
[Added] Dedicated server binary to run a server without playing or rendering the graphics.
[Added] UPnP support: port forwarding is no longer necessary to host a server when using a modern router that supports UPnP.
[Added] Moving your mouse to the edge of the screen now moves the camera. (Can be turned off from the options menu).
[Added] Options menu settings for ambient brightness and multiplayer server autosave.
[Added] 3D movement orders: Double right clicking and holding the right mouse button now lets you adjust the vertical component. (Also works by holding control, single right clicking and holding)
[Added] Added support for scripted planet queues. Use ‘<script call= »Module::Function » />’ in a queue to use a function of the type ‘bool Name(Planet@).’ Return true to prevent the rest of the queue from running.
[Added] A grid is now displayed on every system’s XZ plane. (Can be turned off from the options menu).
[Added] Added ‘OrderList::leaveFleet()’ to remove a ship from its fleet.
[Added] Added a new weapon: Artillery. Huge range, massive damage, but very slow fire rate. May only be equipped to stations.
[Added] Added log & log10 functions for formulas.
[Added] Added new planet conditions: Plains (Cheaper buildings), Volcanic (Weaker buildings), and Geothermal vents (Faster electronics/advanced parts production).
[Added] Empire messages now have a category. Categories can be toggled on or off when expanding the ticker display.
[Added] Options to control the display or hide the distant icons for ships, stations and planets.
[Added] Race Customization: before the game starts, you can pick traits affecting your empire in various ways. Traits are picked with a point-buy system.

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur le forum officiel.