Patchs : Elemental 1.11, Histwar 02F, Rulers of Nations 4.21, Star Ruler, World Supremacy 1.05

Publié le 11 janvier 2011 par Cyberstratege

RÊsumÊ des dernières mises à jour.

Elemental: War of Magic 1.11


1. AI is much better at casting strategic spells.
2. AI better at queuing units to be trained.
3. AI unit design improved.
4. Crash fixes in the battle engine.
5. Resolved an end of turn crash.
6. Fixed a multi-threaded crash in evaluate relations.
7. More resources at placed on the map (about 50% more than 1.1).

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur Impulse.

HistWar: Les Grognards 02F

Majeur : correction problème des anciens fichiers
Important : ordres manuels ont une prioritĂŠ supĂŠrieure Ă  ceux gĂŠnĂŠrĂŠs par l’IA
Ajustement du gestionnaire des sons

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur le site officiel.

Rulers of Nations 4.21

New features & improvements

-Use of custome kits in multiplayer mode
-New Russian foreign bases
-Turkey diplomatical alignment update
-Portugal update (energy sector)

Adjustments & corrections

TĂŠlĂŠchargement automatique par le biais du jeu.

Star Ruler

[Fixed] Dry Docks could get stuck fetching resources from another planet in the system.
[Fixed] Asteroids in normal systems would be destroyed instantly instead of when they ran dry.
[Fixed] Missiles were not consuming proportionate amounts of ammo.
[Fixed] Multiplayer clients could crash when holding alt.
[Fixed] Legacy mod for was missing, resulting in abnormally slow thrusters when loading games in
[Fixed] Default level health gain was 1.25 instead of the intended 0.25.
[Fixed] Repeat mode was crashing after completion.
[Changed] The IRC window can now be minimized.
[Balance] Computers generate a bit more control to make up for their large power consumption.
[Balance] Torpedo bays no longer gain bonuses from coolant systems / targeting sensors.
[Removed] Legacy and games are no longer supported.
[Removed] Removed the patcher, as it was entirely non-functional in most cases. Instead, Star Ruler links to a list of patches for your version.

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur le site officiel.

World Supremacy 1.05

* Increased weapon speed for torpedoes and cruise missiles.
* Fixed: When starting a game it was possible to have two Fabrication Complexes in the same region.
* Fixed: Added hotkeys to the help text.
* Fixed: Game Over window was not displaying when human player was killed.
* Many general AI improvements.
* Rocket Artillery now have a movement of two.
* Fixed: AI was not loading Sea Transports.
* Fixed: AI was not always landing its planes even when they had remaining movement.

En tĂŠlĂŠchargement sur le site officiel.