Today some Absolut Noise darlings give us their thoughts about the past year.
Riddarna - Jag kan glömma allt (video)
Edward Forslund
(member of Riddarna)
1. Here's an egocentric answer. I've been totally absorbed in my own band this year and I like the fact that we've actually been moving forward. A couple of months ago we were living in different parts of Sweden, we didn't have any proper recordings of our songs and certainly not a record deal or anything like that. Now we live in the same city, we have an EP out there, an album coming up and we've got some great people working with us.
As for releases in 2010… My memory is really bad, but I've managed to remember some albums that I liked this year:
A Place to Bury Strangers - Exploding head
The Black Angels - Phosphene dream
Tame Impala - Inner Speaker
Pascal - Orkanen närmar sig.
2. I usually like to complain but I'd rather do it when I'm drunk and amongst friends, ramblin' like an old fool, trash-talking bands and people like mad. Complaining like this with my keyboard just isn't as fun. Ok, I'll mention one thing that's been spreading this year: christian melodic crabcore with auto-tune-abused vocals, matching haircuts and techno/trance breakdowns. It makes me laugh and throw up at the same time.
3. Wow, I'm not very got at this hinting-about-new-music business I'm afraid. I guess I've been down in a dark rehearsal room or a studio to much this year to notice what's going on outside.
Simon Ekstrand
(member of Du Pacque)
1. We've been listening a lot to Chemical Brothers - Surrender album from 1999. In fact, their entire music catalog has been a big musical influence during the recording process of our own album. Other bands worth mentioning are Ikons and Samling.
2. Ok, over all I thinks it's too much talk about Robyn, BUT, I've been waiting for an opportunity to give my views on the current band name trend in definite form - it's gone too far! I'm not saying anything about the music, cause some of them I really like. Here they are:
Vapnet, Bruket, Verket, Verkstaden, Maskinen, Makthaverskan, Slagsmålsklubben, Nordpolen, Parken, Invasionen, Svenska akademin, Hajen, Samlingen, Familjen, Augustifamiljen, Sista sekunden, Korallreven, Fullmakten 7, Famnen, Munnen, Norden, Psykakuten, Skatan, Ryska Posten, Avtalet, Fåglarna, Mörkret, Djuret, Kriget, Mörkret & Guldet, Den svenska tystnaden, Den svenska björnstammen, Den stora vilan, Den stora sömnen, Slottet, Hemmalaget, Röda laget, Dungen, Hästpojken, Steget, Lilla sällskapet, Sällskapet, Hjärtat, Riddarna, Ruset, Nattpasset, Dödens lammungar, Laserpistolerna, Basutbudet, Diskoteket, Robotberget, Dagens industri.
3. They might not be a newcomer but according to me one of the best bands from Sweden right now: Agent Side Grinder from Stockholm.
Magnus Almberg
(member of Samuraj Cities)
1. The stuff that made me go ahhh:
Deerhunter, Wild Nothing, Best Coast, Air waves, No joy, Caribou, Forest Swords, Beaches, L.A vampires & Zola Jesus, Women, Arial Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Kanye West, Small Black, Real Estate, Avey Tare, Bear in heaven, Crocodiles, Familjen, Holy Fuck, Grimes, Ikons, Keepaways, Oberhofer, Pop winds, Radio dept, Junip, White Ring, Wise Blood, Procelain Raft, Tamaryn, Coolrunnings, Millionyoung, Yung life, Actress, Sleep Over, Cults, Woods, Twin Sister...It has been a good year!
2. The stuff that made me go uhhh:
MGMT, Klaxons, Blonde Redhead, No Age, Sleigh Bells, Here we go Magic, Wavves...It has been a good year since nothing more comes to mind!
3. Right now I have no idea what's happening or not happening on the Swedish music scene. Sorry. Ask me again next year.
Jonathan Claesson
(member of Samuraj Cities, Before you die... and Frida and Doe)
1. I really like Daniel Gilbert - African sports: Soul Café Club No1. When Samuraj Cities were mixing songs from “our unreleased 3rd album”, we borrowed a studio next door to Per Stålberg’s (Division of Laura Lee, Daniel Gilbert) studio. Per were mixing Daniel Gilbert's music there, so we ran into their band a lot. It was very inspiring having short breaks listening and talking about music. Daniel Gilbert is also playing in Håkan Hellström's band and I hope more people will check out his music.
Other things to mention: I’ve been to great concerts with Civil Civic and Autolux recently. The Black Angels have released a new album, looking forward to listen to it more. Most records I liked in 2010 were not made in 2010..
I’m also glad we released the album Spastic dance with Before you die...
Samuraj Cities have made a lot of great new songs too, and I promise you that we will release al ot of stuff next year. Also we have just released some songs with the brand new band Frida and Doe. I'm very excited about to see what people will think about it. I think its great!
2. Maybe that it seems like Masshysteri has split up....
3. Check out my friends in Contra from Gothenburg. I like them a lot.
Joel Segerstedt
(singer of The Open up and bleeds)
1. Dwayne Sodahberk, Lifelover, Masshysteri, Conny Nimmersjö, Suffocate for fuck sake, Steso Songs, Tortyr... (all Swedish bands)
2. That we couldn't afford to put out our album on vinyl...
3. Mahatma's Rifle, OAK....
Niels Nielsen
1. - I can't deny the fact that I LOVE the new The Radio Dept. - Clinging To A Scheme. It's been a favorite band for a long time, but this record is truly awesome. It's the most listened Swedish record in my car this year which can only mean one thing. It's a great record.
- Other memorable things that made my year is that Sparklehorse and Dangermouse album Dark Night Of The Soul finally hit vinyl. I bought a copy when I was in Brooklyn and it's been spinning a lot back in Sweden.
- Without Beach House - Teen Dream I wouldn't have survived LAST winter... The question is what record could help me this winter since we're already snowed in and it's looking to be a nasty winter upfront.
2. It's harsh to hate but I'll try to come up something:- Well, the whole music scene is pretty annoying at the moment. I can't put my finger on it, but isn't there almost a formula nowadays on "how you get hyped!" ??? The indie scene follows it own patterns and refuses to evolve. Of course there are excuses, but I find this whole DIY thing a bit watered-down at the moment. I mean, I like the reaction and the whole internet era, but hasn't people stop to actually progress a bit? Maybe it's just me. But all the articles on how you promote yourself, all the services out there, is it real? Do they help us or do they block our brains? What do people want? I thought it was heart. When I read a lot of blogs about new bands all I see is the template and the expected stuff. But I rarely see and hear the heart. Maybe I'm picky or just wrong out... I dunno. I hope to see some more heart from artists 'cos now is the time to show it.
3. The one artist I really can't understand isn't the biggest thing yet is Per Sahlström. His record was actually released late 2009, but got no real promotion. I think it's one of the best pop albums every made. And I know that soooo many people out there would keep this record warm at heart if they only heard it...
1. This music year has quickly passed and some of the good new records were: Beach House - Teen Dream, Black Keys - Brothers and most of all Bombus debutalbum!!
The best thing that happened to us as a band must have been playing for a sold out audience in Anndedalskyrkan during the festival Way Out West, and we also got top reviews for that gig. A fantastic memory!
2. It's hard to actually really hate things that has to do with music but of course there is some really annoying stuff. When music is sum up to a product, like the TV show "Pop idol", it is sad... We also feel sad because of the reelected backwardsthinking politicians in Sweden: they will continue to make the life of musicians in this country difficult.
3. Graveyard is releasing its second album Hisingen Blues on the 25th of March: we're really looking forward to that. Also, everyone should listen to the band Spiders!