Magazine Culture

Best of 2010: swedish artists choices (3)

Publié le 29 décembre 2010 par Absnoise
To end this year 2010, I asked Swedish artists I like what they remember from this past year. Three questions:
1. What did you like in music this year (globally, not specifically in Sweden)?
2. What did you hate?3. Can you give me a hint about a Swedish newcomer worth to be listened?
Today, it is mostly about artists begining with a N! Nina Kinert and The National (apparently quite popular within the Swedish music scene).

Nina Kinert - Play the world (live at the Swedish TV)

Nina Kinert
1. The new music that made a difference to me this year was: Alicia Keys, Noah and the whale, Beach House, Gayngs, Glasser.
2. I can´t remember.
3. Sibille Attar, single of Little red corvette (AbsNoise: who sings in the latest Bear Quartet record), Masquer and of course my darling Linnea Olsson.

Emanuel Lundgren
(singer of I'm from Barcelona)
1. I've listened a lot to High Violet by The National Great album! And finally they released the project by some of my heroes, Dark Night of the Soul by Sparklehorse, Danger Mouse and David Lynch. Also liked Charlotte Gainsbourg - IRM, Blonde Redhead - Penny sparkle.
2. I don't know if hate is the right word, but it made me terribly sad that Mark Linkous chose to end his life this year.
3. A friend of mine who calls himself My Name Is Not John is recording a lot of songs and I guess he will be ready to release something soon. But he's got one of my favourites up on his myspace right now, a song called Explore. Also, I know that Du Pacque have a great album in the works!

Pontus Levahn
(member of Torpedo, Tiger Lou and Nina Kinert's band)
1. This year, I didn't pay attention as much as I usually do to new releases with new bands. I was too busy listening to older stuff and struggling with my own music, the Torpedo album that is, so I ignored all these new great bands to avoid the feeling of rivalery. It worked!
Out the new records I actually payed attention to these really stood out:
1. Caribou - Swim
2. Gayngs - Relayted
3. CMG - Distractions 7"
4. The National - High Violet
5. Optic Nest - Entertainment
2. I try not to hate music as much these days. I did it too much when I was younger and it got me nowhere. However, considering the multitude of crappy music that gets farted out all the time you can't help but to hate some of it. The only one I can think right now is: Ziggy Marley (please leave Nas alone. He is great. You are not. Stop collaborating with him immediately and let him make another genius Nas album. Thank you).
3. If you want new swedish music I think you should check out CMG and Optic Nest. Two very original acts debuting in 2010. CMG's Distracions 7th is great clever 70s funk with a punky edge and Optic Nest's Entertainment LP is a hypnotic, psykadelic and completely insane synthesizer inferno. Genius!

Therese Johansson

(singer of Lowood)
1. That Britta Persson and Nina Kinert have released new albums!
2. That my own inspiration has been on hold. Frustrating.
3. I don't know if they're still newcomers but you've got to check out Masquer! Beautiful music for the ear.

Karin Ström
1. I listened a lot to The National this year. I also discovered JJ, Husky rescue and Phantogram.
2. Don't know if I hated anything, but I remebered that in the begininng of my trip of crossing the American continent New York-San Fransisco, I thought that Lady Gaga's Alejandro was a really bad song. After a couple of days, I started to secretly like it and by the middle of the trip I loved it! And still loves it to this day.
3. Desert Soul. Actually a friend of a friend's band but they're great.

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