Aux côtés des promotions spécial noël du Store, une mise à jour classique est également disponible; dont quelques contenus ne seront en ligne que demain. On y trouve des réductions permanentes sur Burnout Paradise et Battlefield Bad Company 2, l'arrivée des jeux Neo Geo, MAG en version dématérialisée ou encore la démo de Mass Effect 2. La suite, comme d'hab ci-dessous:
Réductions permanentes de prix (PS3)
Polar Panic (4.99€)
Battlefield Bad Company 2
- Shortcut Kit Bundle (14.99€)
- 4 x Class Shortcut Kits (4.99€ chacun)
- Onslaught Mode (4.99€)
Burnout Paradise
- Big Surf Island (6.99€)
- Legendary Cars Collection (4.99€)
- Cops and Robbers (4.99€)
- Boost Specials Collection (4.99€)
- Party Pack (4.99€)
- Toy Collection (6.99€)
- Toy Car Collection 1 et 2 (4.99€ chacun)
- Shank (9.99€)
Offres d’essai et déblocage (PS3)
Blokus (4.99€)
Hustle Kings (7.99€)
Magic the Gathering : Duels of the Planeswalkers (8.99€)
Risk: Factions (9.99€)
Time Machine: Rogue Pilot (6.99€) Jeux Téléchargeables (PS3)
Buzz! Quiz Player (gratuit)
Eat Them! (7.99€)
Echochrome II (12.99€)
Hustle Kings (7.99€)
MAG (29.99€)
Tetris (9.99€)
Top Darts (7.99€)
-Alpha Mission II (8.99€)
-Art of Fighting (8.99€)
-League Bowling (8.99€)
-Baseball Stars Professional (8.99€)
-Fatal Fury (8.99€)
-Magician Lord (8.99€)
-Metal Slug (8.99€)
-Samurai Shodown (8.99€)
-Super Sidekicks (8.99€ -King of Fighters ’94 (8.99€)Démos (PS3)
Dead Space 2
LittleBigPlanet 2Mass Effect 2Pack PSone (PS3 et PSP) La petite sirène 2 & Winnie l'ourson (7.99€)
Atlantide & Hercule (9.99€)
1001 pattes & Monstres et Cie (9.99€)
Minis (PS3 et PSP)
NOVA : Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance (4.99€)
A Space Shooter for Two Bucks (1.99€)
Contenus additionnels (PS3)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 : Vietnam (12.99€)
Costume Quest - Grubbins on Ice (3.99€)
Def Jam RapStar - Stieber Twins : Malaria (1.49€)
Fist of the North Star: Ken’s Rage - Toki : Costume original + deux nouvelles missions (3.59€)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light : Kane and Lynch (gratuit)
The Sims 3 - Hairstyles Pack et Ultra Lounge Set (9.99€ chacun)
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom - Majin Challenge Pack (1.99€)
Magic the Gathering : Duels of the Planeswalkers - divers contenus (de 0.99€ à 3.99€)
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
- Super Sports Pack (6.99€)
- Bugatti Veyron (2.99€)
- Gumpert Apollo (2.99€)
- Porsche 911 Gt2 (2.99€)
RUSE : The Manhatten Project Pack (6.99€)
Super Street Fighter IV : Ultra Brawler Pack (3.99€)
WWE Smackdown vs RAW 2011 : WWE Discount Pack 1 (5.49€)
ModNation Racers : Far East Theme Pack (9.99€)
DJ Hero 2 : Linkin Park Mix Pack (7.99€)
Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock -Kiss-Mas Track Pack (5.49€) Rock Band 3 - 9 nouveaux morceaux (1.49€ chacun)
Rock Band Network - 5 nouveaux morceaux (1.49€ chacun)
Avatars (PS3)
Top Darts, Echochrome 2, Eat Them! (de 0.25€ à 0.99€)
Thème (PS3)
Eat Them!
Thèmes Premium (PS3)
Disruptive Themes : Deep freeze (1.49€)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (0.99€)
Thèmes Dynamiques (PS3)
Disruptive Themes - Celebration of Fire (2.49€)
Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (1.99€)
Fonds d’écran (PS3)
Top Darts: Pub Mulligan, Dragon
Eat Them!: Chaos, Downtown
Vidéos (PS3)
Top Darts Journal des développeurs
Jeux Téléchargeables (PSP)
Everybody’s Stress Buster
Rainbow Bundle (7.99€)
Green Pack (2.99€)
Blue Pack (2.99€)
Red Pack (2.99€)
Yellow Pack (2.99€)
-King of Fighters ’94 (6.99€)
-Metal Slug (6.99€)
PSP Essentiels
Spectral vs. Generation (9.99€)
Démo (PSP)
Lord of Arcana
Fond d’écran (PSP)
Legends of War: Patton’s Campaign 2