Today: numbers 5, 6 and 7.
(Désolé les mecs, mais ce billet sera uniquement en anglais afin qu'il conserve une taille raisonnable).
5. The Open up & bleeds
An act of love and violence
My review of this album : here.
To get all the songs of the album : here.
Mp3 : The Open up and bleeds - Everyone I know
The Open up and bleeds - This noise (live video)
I have always been - for several years - one of the biggest fan on earth of The Open up and bleeds. So, when their debut album eventually came out, I actually knew all the songs already. But actually, most of Swedes never heard about this band. So I guess most of them would be quite surprised to see how many hits this record contains. This is proper rock n' roll, let me tell you. In black. With dust. And any rage against any kind of machine you could find. Well, that might be its biggest flaw : the OUaBs love rock music and make it with honesty, but their references might be a little bit too obvious. But, hey, this is a hell of a debut record anyway! I am just looking forward to their next songs, when they will leave the shadows of The Stooges/The Cure and keep on riding their way.
6. Sad day for puppets
Pale Silver & Shiny Gold
My review of this album : here.
To get all the songs of the album : here.
Mp3 : Sad day for puppets - Anne says pt. II
Sad day for puppets - Sorrow, sorrow (streaming song)
Unknown Colors, the first Sad day for puppets album was good with several great songs, but their Pale Silver & Shiny Gold is a step ahead. Anna Eklund's little voice matches perfectly with the loud guitars and the "shoegazing" sound is less repetitive than most bands in the same genre. The main asset of the whole piece might be the number of emotions it gives you : if the songs are never bright, their darkness leaves some hope coming by. Definitely one of the most current underrated Swedish band.
7. Steget
My review of this album : here.
To get all the songs of the album : here.
Mp3 : Steget - Kom igen
Steget -Baby baby baby (live at GP TV)
Steget is probably my biggest surprise of 2010. I did not expect this band I never heard about to release such a great album ; their debut record actually. I wish it would be a little less polished, a little less beautiful and darker, but it is an impressive bunch of nursery rhymes. With a true atmosphere. Also, this is one of the few record I can listen to from the first song to the last one without getting bored. And Kom igen remains one of my favourite songs of the year.