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Battlefield Academy : patch 1.50 et sortie de Blitzkrieg France

Publié le 21 décembre 2010 par Cyberstratege

Battlefield Academy Blitzkrieg France

Slitherine annonce la sortie de la première extension pour le sympathique Battlefield Academy. NommĂŠe Blitzkrieg France, cet add-on ajoute 25 unitĂŠs correspondant au dĂŠbut de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale (cf. liste ci-après), 2 bombardiers et 2 compĂŠtences supplĂŠmentaires, 9 missions en solo ou encore 4 scĂŠnarios en multi. Par la mĂŞme occasion, une nouvelle mise Ă  jour est disponible, qui amĂŠliore l’interface ainsi que l’ĂŠditeur de cartes.

Pour plus d’informations sur Battlefield Academy, voyez le site officiel ainsi que notre test (voyez aussi cette brève pour quelques screenshots de Blitzkrieg France).


Patch 1.5.0

+ Blitzkrieg! New units and objects from the early war in Europe.
+ Use CTRL+Left Click to open a draggable info panel for any unit.
+ Updated multiplayer replay to add progress indicator.
+ New script commands.
+ The new update adds the ability to unlock the expansion without the need for an installer. If you buy Bliztkrieg France and already have v1.50 installed you can use the « Register Expansion » button on the launcher and this avoids the need for downloading the Blitzkrieg France installer. It also means moving the game to a new PC or reinstalling is much easier.

Blitzkrieg France – only for those who buy the expansion
+ 25 new units including the Char Bis, Somua, Panzerjager and Sturmpanzer.
+ 9 Single player missions
+ 4 Multiplayer missions
+ 2 Airstrikes – Heinkel 111 amd Breugot 693

+ Faster screenshots and movie capture on most video cards.
+ New tweak SREENSHOTOUTPUT to allow for capture of JPG (1) and PNG (2) files.
+ AI bug where units would end up with negative APs.
+ Improved tips display to make them easier to read.
+ Script command Get/SetUniversalVar for passing values between scripts.
+ Script command SetCurrentSelectedUnit.
+ Script command SetUIObjectTooltip.
+ TAB no longer selects units in the editor.

Le patch se tĂŠlĂŠcharge automatiquement par le biais du jeu.


Blitzkrieg France

25 New Units & 28 modified units with new camouflage patterns and stats to represent the war in 1940: Panzer II German Light Tank, Sturmpanzer German SP Gun, French Infantry, French LMG, Matilda I British Light Tank, Renault FT17 French Light Tank, Char Bis French Heavy Tank, R35 French Medium Tank, Somua 35 French Heavy Tank, French 25mm AT Gun, French Lorry, French Mortar, French Engineer, French Hotchkiss MG, Corps Francs, British Boyes AT Rifle, Sau 40 French SP Gun, Sdkfz 251/10/4 German Halftrack, Berliet VPH Mobile AA, French Scout, Lorraine 38 APC, Panzerjager I, German Panzerbusche AT Rifle, Panhard P178 French Armoured Car, Schneider P16 French Armoured Car

¡ 9 Single Player Missions

¡  New Abilities & Bonuses
Rally – an officer bonus that allows you to boost morale of a single squad
Resupply – an officer bonus that allows you to replenish a units ammo
German Heinkel 111 Airstrike
French Breugot 693 Airstrike

¡ New Bunker Objects

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