Comme l'année dernière, je me suis amusée à créer une wish list beauté car nous attaquons le mois de décembre et il devient urgent d'envoyer sa lettre au père noël. Ce serait dommage tout de même de ne pas se priver pour piquer des idées et les soumettre à ses ami(e)s histoire de ne pas se retrouver avec un sac à patate en dessous du sapin le jour J et un "Joyeux Noël ma chérie". Mouais... on va donc éviter ça.
Difficult to make more explicit as title to synthetize the contents of the article...
As last year, I enjoied creating a wish list beauty because we attack December and it becomes urgent to send your letter to the Santa Claus. It would be a pity not to go to prick ideas and subject themto your friends not just to meet with a potatoes' bag below the fir tree at D-day and a " Merry christmas my darling ". Yeah...we should avoid that.

We begin with a gesture of beauty and one of my favourite cosmetic brands : Caudalie. For Christmas, the brand spoils us with the water of Beauty in its limited version with a beautiful and sober design. Besides, for every Water of Beauty bought 1€ is put back to the association Women's word (a voluntary association, created by Olivia Cattan, night initiator of the Women, who has for objective to fight against all the forms of discrimination made for the women. The collected funds will be intended for the construction of a house citizen for the women in precarious situation).
Eau de Beauté Caudalie, en édition limitée :
Flacon verre "sac à mains" avec spray : 10 € les 30 ml.
Pour chaque flacon vendu, 1 € reversé à l’association Paroles de Femmes.

Difficult to miss Philosophy at Sephora without eyeing packaging of Christmas and especially the smells which get free of these products. Then at once we put this attractive brand on the wish list with two stars, underlined in red with small hearts all around only to mark your preference.
philosophy - en vente chez Sephora - at your SephoraHave a Cherry Christmas - Coffret bain19€I'm Dreaming Of (White Peach, White Cranberry et White Pear) - Coffret bain 29€Melting Marshmallow - Coffret soins corps 24€Gingerbread Girl - Coffret bain 19€Snow Angel - Coffret soins corps 24€

Happy Cosmetics, I had already spoken to you about it when I had presented you my discoveries to the Beyond Beauty. This time, for Christmas, brings out a collection limited to which we cannot say no : package composed of Oil All Beauty and its perfumed candle, ban to pass by for Christmas.
I have already torn for this oil from which I do not part any more and you... Will you be tempted by?

La palette Book of Shadows vol III New York City by Urban Decay est en édition limitée alors autant profiter de cette occasion pour la noter aussi dans sa wish list. Avec un peu de chance, elle apparaîtra sous votre sapin...
The palette Book of Shadows vol III New York City by Urban Decay is in limited edition then so much to take advantage of this opportunity to note it also in your wish list. With a little luck, it will appear under your fir tree...
Urban Decay - Book of Shadows vol III New York City16 fards à paupières + base paupières 45€

To continue in palettes make-up, we can also write on the wish list the Palette Color Beauty Kit to Go by Sephora which is nothing else than a journey kit consisted of 5 palettes thus easily transportable and in an affordable price. Then necessarily, in our moment of generosity, we say to ourselves that we are going to propose cheap presents cheap to , after all, it is the crisis for him also.
Palette Color Beauty Kit to Go - Sephora - 29.90€Chacune des cinq palettes comprend :
- 10 fards à paupières
- 2 couleurs pour les lèvres
- 1 fard à joues

On va cette fois du côté de Comfort Zone qui nous propose deux coffrets spécialement élaborés pour les fêtes de Noël. Donc on n'hésite pas, là encore, on les inscrits sur la wish list :
Un coffret Hydramemory avec un lait démaquillant adoucissant, une lotion tonique hydratante adoucissante, une crème de 24h et une crème nourrissante antioxydante de nuit.
Un coffret Tranquility avec une poudre parfumée scintillante à user et abuser pendant les fêtes.

A package Hydramemory with an easing cleansing milk, a soothing moisturizing tonic lotion, a cream of 24 hours and an antioxidizing nourishing night cream.
A package called Tranquility with a twinkling perfumed powder to be used and to abuse during the X'mas holidays.
Coffret Hydramemory - 60€Coffret Tranquility - 19€

I could not miss, it is about the package which I would put absolutely on my wish-list. It's been a while since I spotted it in with its packaging then we say YES for the Flower's limited edition by Kenzo.
Coffret FlowerbyKenzo Winter Flower - 64.80€ - une maison en bois
- une eau de parfum vaporisateur (50 ml).

The last one, and even if it is not either about cosmetics, or about perfumes, I could not just pass by because this Hi Panda by Jiji really makes me laugh . Admit that it is always better that a poor vibrating duck...
Attention, there also it is about a limited edition...
Hi Panda by Jiji pour Sephora - Hi Panda by Jiji for Sephora10€
Et vous, que voudriez-vous pour Noël ?
And you, what do you wish for X'mas ?